United States Senator
Richard G. Lugar (R)
Secretary of State
Todd Rokita (R)
Auditor of State
Tim Berry (R)
United States Representative
Baron Hill (D)
Indiana State Senate
Connie Weigleb Sipes (D)
Indiana State Representative
(Precincts Franklin 1, Greenville 1-5, Georgetown 4&6)
Paul Robertson (D)
Indiana State Representative
(Precincts Lafayette 1-5, New Albany 1-3B, Georgetown 1,2,3,& 5)
William C. Cochran (D)
Prosecuting Attorney
Keith Henderson (R)
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Linda S. Moeller (D)
County Sheriff
Darrell W. Mills (D)
County Assessor
Brenda Egge (D)
County Commissioner District #1
D. Mark Seabrook (R)
County Council District #1
Tom Pickett (D)
County Council District #2
Larry McAllister (D)
County Council District #3
Lana Aebersold (R)
County Council District #4
Jeff Fessel (D)
Township Trustee Franklin
Hazel Riley (D)
Township Board Franklin
Paul Byrne (D)
Randy L. Hubert (D)
Township Board Georgetown
Jeffrey Firkins (R)
Steven Byerley (D)
Terry L. Kehrer (D)
Township Trustee Greenville
Hilda Gibson (D)
Township Board Greenville
Mary (Rosie) Grube (R)
Patty Nelson (R)
Timi Brooks (D)
Township Assessor New Albany
Barbara J. Sillings (D)
Township Trustee New Albany
H. Ray Cunningham (R)
Township Board New Albany
Bob Hornung (R)
Brenda G. Oeffinger (R)
Lodema Applegate (D)
We here at Freedom of Speech are tired of all of the negative ads as we are sure you are also. Stooping to this level just turns off the voters.
We believe the candidates should discuss their records and the real issues. We cannot have an informed opinion unless we know where they stand and what they stand for.
An informed voter votes for the candidate - not the political party.
VOTE on November 7th!