Obama's latest buzzword "affordable".
What exactly does "Affordable Health Care mean?"
When a human hears the word "affordable", the word transmutes on their mind to mean something "they can afford" or something that is within their "Price Range".
Does "affordable" to someone like Bill Gates mean the same "price range" as someone who "flips" burgers at McDonald's?
Of course NOT, that is why "affordable" is a "buzzword" with little if any meaning and the definition is entirely different to each individual.
Barack Obama states that "Heath Care Insurance" today, is something only the WEALTHY can afford and his administration will cut costs and "streamline" requirements in such a way, that "everyone" will be able to afford "ObamaCare" and that he will make sure that ObamaCare is "Deficit Neutral".
Our common sense tells us:
* What exactly is a "PRICE" that the millions who are chronically unemployed can afford?
* What exactly is a "PRICE" that the millions who are retired can afford?
* What exactly is a "PRICE" that the millions who are on welfare can afford?
* What exactly is a "PRICE" that the millions who are drawing unemployment can afford?
* What exactly is a "PRICE" that the millions who are on Social Security can afford?
If the "PRICE" for ObamaCare will ensure deficit neutrality [pays for itself], how much will ObamaCare cost for each individual?
Barack Obama and Congress members will avoid that question as if the question were the plague because they know that in the likelihood the "Price for Health Care" - WILL increase - NOT decrease!
Common logic dictates one cannot buy "one pie" at the grocery for your family and feed 47 million more people with the same pie.
Care to dispute our common sense?