Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Freedom Of Speech has a favor to ask of you the citizens of New Albany. It doesn't take any of your money. And it only takes a few seconds to do.

You ask why? We ask why not?


Governor Daniels at:mdaniels@in.gov

Connie Weigleb Sipes at: S46@ai.org

Voice your opinion on Property Tax Reform

One of the big differences that we've noticed between those who get what they want and those who don't comes down to one simple behavior - whether they're willing to ask for it.

It also boils down to this one basic point property taxpayers - if we don't demand accountability in local government, we don't get Property Tax Reform!


Friday Rally--Noon at the State House

Citizens from all over the state are going on Friday to let their legislators know they have had enough of the cronyism and politics in the state house. We are coming to tell the legislators that we want our interests put first.

We want citizens throughout the state to know that Freedom Of Speech will be there leading a caravan to our State House. We support open, accountable government that uses our money wisely.

Not tax dollars for raises and Mayor England's new Lexus IS Coupe!

We want property tax legislation to be kept separate from other legislation.

Join us at noon on Friday ~ February 1, 2008 and look for the giant banner that says: "Politicians, do you want our houses?" Bring signs and posters. Let them know you are voting them out in November.

We all can say now that we have had enough!

Monday, January 28, 2008


As we sat among 150 residents at the "Taxing Time" event held inside the Indianapolis Statehouse chamber last Wednesday night, we tried to be a neutral observer.

Just to double check our reality that we was not in hell instead of Indiana. Yep, it was real.

Despite the outside freezing temperatures, the inside was simmering with irate property owners of homes, businesses, and farms; many who told horror stories of their past and present plight.

A veteran, Kent Morhan, sitting in front of us spoke of his fixed income and fear of loosing his home. To our left, David Hendricks from Hamilton County spoke of eviction from his seized home by a prosecutor over his failure to pay steep property taxes.

In fact, from the floor to the balcony, the panel of 4 lawmakers drew harsh criticism from citizens who had jeers for legislators and cheers for repeal. The crowd with frequent boos and outbursts wasn't buying the same status quo remarks heard for months.

For citizens already drowning, it was little comfort to be told our leaders were trying to design a life jacket. Residents shouting of repeal and stop spending periodically echoed, leaving no doubt that property owners are fed up with being taxed out of their homes and want action; not words!

As we emerged from the Chambers of Disbelief, disgusted business, farm, and homeowners, some like us who traveled miles for the event, were still boiling from lack of answers to valid questions, and their plight remains unsolved.

Who can blame them?

The lawmakers on the panel represented the cast of characters who have presided over an abusive system, and it will take more than tweaking to fix it. Few knew that only the night before, the Senate Rules Committee had killed the repeal bill.

It is now up to "We The People" of Indiana to demand change!

Paul Wheeler

Sunday, January 27, 2008


The City of New Albany is a prime example of why the state "CAN NOT" control local spending.

We the "taxpayers" of New Albany appreciate Governor Daniels plan to control local spending in order to hold down our property taxes.

But, it will "not work" in New Albany!

For example:

1. The mayor and his new administration have already pushed through $250,000 increase in city salaries and benefits.

2. We understand that the England Administration wants to build a new $6 million dollar parking garage downtown.

3. The State Street Parking Garage still owes EDIT Fund about $3.5 million dollars to pay off EDIT Funds used to make garage bond payments.

4. The City Council approved and added another code enforcement officer position in 2008. For over a year we have been paying a code enforcement officer well over $30,000 a year plus purchased another truck, and our City still has many trashy areas.

5. City of New Albany used $5.3 million dollars of sewer utility fund money to pay our city bills. This money "has never been paid back" to our sewer utility fund.

6. City of New Albany contracted out our garbage pick up in the city. Our New Albany Street Dept. has to go out to pick up all waste that the new company DOES NOT pick up due to their contract.

Source: Items 1-6 verified through City Public records & local newspaper articles

Governor Daniels, we feel at Freedom Of Speech, that you have the best intentions, however, your plan to control spending "WOULD NOT" control local spending in our City of New Albany!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

2007-2008 SEWER BUDGET

City of New Albany, Inc.
Cash Flow Budget-Sewer
For the Years Ending

December 31, 2007 and 2008

Cash Inflows............2007............2008

Tap-In Fees
Sewage Fees..........$10,157,450....$10,421,492
Interest Income....$110,000........$110,000
Jail Bond Fund.....$1,000,000....$0.00
Bond Anticipation
Note (Ban)............$1,315,000....$0.00
Additional EDIT
Due From
Due From

Cash OUTFLOWS.......2007..........2008

Salaries and wages.....$231,750....$238.703
SUU Manager-Salary
and Benefits...............$50,000.....$100,000
Professional Fees.......$90,000.....$70,000
EMC Contract............$3,642,618..$3,325,000
Engineering Consultant
Equipment Repairs...$16,500.......$16,500
Permit Fee................$15,000.......$15,000
Health Insurance......$50,000......$55,000
Office Supplies.........$3,500.........$3,500
Computer Related
Collection Fees.........$170,000.....$170,000
Recording Fees.........$4,500........$4,500
Agent Fees................$2,000........$2,000
Debt Services............$4,712,324..$4,713,326
BAN Note Payment...$305,000....$305,000


Fund Reserve
Flush Truck............$40,000..........$40,000
15th Street Study....$240,000........$0.00
Wasterwater System
Master Plan............$90,000.........$80,000
15th Street
Emergency Repair..$87,000.........$0.00
Annual I/I

Automatic Process
Water Strainers.....$0.00.............$85,000
Preliminary treatment
rag & grit removal..$35,000.........$0.00
Secondary Clarifer
Weir Cleaning

Total Cash Outflow
From Operations....$10,334,992...$10,100,679


SEWER PROJECTS..$4,460,353...$2,005,813

Planned Sewer Projects:


Basin 18 Relief........$700,000......$632,000
Basin 35 Phase I.....$1,185,000....$0.00
Robert E. Lee Pump
Station Project........$951,700.......$0.00
Robert E. Lee Force
Main Project...........$1,033,700....$0.00
Basin 4 Relief..........$389,953......$924,703
*Basin 35 Phase II...$0.00...........$549,000
*Basin 35 Phase III..$0.00...........$500,000
Lewis Street
Interceptor .............$200,000.....$0.00

SEWER PROJECTS..$4,460,353...$2,605,703
Net Cash Provided


*The Planned Sewer Projects of Basin 35 Phase II and Phase III is dependent on various construction contractors contributing $599,890 towards the cost of these projects.

Freedom of Speech would like to say:

Get ready taxpayers...England's getting ready to raise our Sewer Bills!

Monday, January 21, 2008


As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "The ultimate measure of a man or woman is not where he or she stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he or she stands at times of challenge and controversy."

These words are just as important today in 2008 as they were in 1964!

~MLK Speech in St. Louis, March 22, 1964

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Senate Bill 17 - Redevelopment Commission and Tax Increment Financing

SB 17 passed out of the Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee by an 11-0 vote this week. Most of Senate Bill 17 provisions impose taxpayer friendly limits on the operation of local Redevelopment Commission.

Freedom of Speech wants to help you, the taxpayers, understand how TIF [Tax Increment Financing] areas affect our property tax bills.

1. Take a New Albany city map and draw 5 different circles on your map.

2. Put a dollar sign in each circle.

3. The new tax dollars collected in each circle go into a separate pot. These TIF dollars "DO NOT" go into the general fund to help hold down our property taxes.

4. New Albany has 5 TIF [Tax Increment Financing] areas:

* Grantline Road TIF
* Park East TIF
* Charlestown Road TIF
* Downtown TIF [Parking Garage]
* State Street TIF

5. 3 of these TIF [Tax Increment Financing] areas have add-ons so 5+3=8 total TIF areas in New Albany.

6. We have been told that NEW ALBANY has more TIF [Tax Increment Financing] areas than any other city in the STATE of INDIANA.

All areas outside the circles are left to pay the tax burden of supporting our city. New tax dollars in TIF districts are used in that TIF area only and NOT used to help hold down our property taxes.

Senate Bill 17 is IMPORTANT to help New Albany taxpayers!

New Albany working families pay higher property taxes because property tax levies aren't fully shared by local businesses receiving tax abatement's in TIF districts. Also, shortfalls affect local property tax burden of us taxpayers outside the TIF district.

Many TIF district abatement's, bonding, and eminent domain decisions are made solely in New Albany by unelected Redevelopment Commissioners. Some TIF districts collect more revenue than needed to make bond payments, and there is now little restriction on how a Redevelopment Commissions can spend this surplus revenue.

Redevelopment Commissions and TIF districts always help developers while infrequently improving the life of New Albany working families. The creation of TIF districts often result in urban, suburban, or retail sprawl and other tax and utility burdens. The jobs created are usually low-pay and low-benefit. In most cases TIF districts are improperly placed in areas where developers should pay their own way.

Developers make the profit, why should New Albany taxpayers foot the bill?

State Senate Bill 17, authored by State Senator Luke Kenley, includes sixteen provisions that limit the operation of Redevelopment Commissions. The most meaningful restriction is that proposed TIF bonds would be subject to PETITION and REMONSTRANCE.

Freedom of Speech knows that petition and remonstrance for TIF bonds is an important protection for New Albany property taxpayers . New Albany's local government is "dominated by campaign contributions" made by developers and their lawyer surrogates. Existing TIF law strongly favors developers.

We have been assured this is going to change on July 1, 2008.

TIF districts "are part of the problem and not the solution" for New Albany property taxpayers!

Petition and remonstrance checks the power of developers and their elected cronies to unfairly use TIF districts for developer profit at the expense of New Albany property taxpayers!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


For us here at Freedom of Speech democracy is a question of human dignity. The right to freely express opinion and the right to be allowed to criticize and form opinions.

What the public does is not to just express it's opinions, but to align itself for or against a proposal.

Has Mayor England made it clear that he just doesn't care about the same priorities as many of the citizens of New Albany.

Giving RAISES does not solve our city problems...

When our Mayor stated: the salaries are important because they will enable him to "get moving" with his agenda, which includes an effort to attract more business and apartments to downtown and improve economic development in the city.

Source: Courier Journal

Why do you have to give these big salaries to some of the same employees who have been in these positions before? What did these employees do in the past to attract more business?

Is it true that Carl Malysz asked the City Council to give Tax Abatement's for VACANT buildings downtown?

Taxpayers, let's line up at the court house and get our tax abatement, so, we won't have to pay property taxes!

We know all about your agenda England...

When will you, Mayor England, announce the construction of a new apartment complex near the Hampton Inn?

We taxpayers thought that in a new position, you need to prove yourself before you get a giant raise!

What has happen to Public Service?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


State of the State address
by Gov. Mitch Daniels

Property taxes

Gov. Daniels stated: We are now called to act once again, together, on a great thing that is wanted to be done: to bring lasting fairness and affordability to the taxation of property in our state. The tenets of that framework are well known to each member, and a need no lengthy elaboration here. I ask you to take four - there's that number again- major steps on behalf of taxpayers.

First, immediate relief to every homeowner

Second, permanent protection against the return of unaffordable taxes, through a permanent, constitutional cap of one percent of a home value.
Third, reform our hopelessly unfair assessment system, with its unexplained inaccuracies and its unequal treatment of like properties.

And fourth, genuine limits on total local spending and borrowing, with none of the loopholes and exceptions that have permitted such spending to balloon in recent years. I hope you will join me in giving citizens what they have in most states, a final say over major capital projects through a straightforward referendum.

"I say, trust the people, give them the facts, and let them VOTE."

But we all know that this session has one paramount assignment, one act for which it will be remembered. Property tax reduction in all its dimensions will be hard work, time-consuming work. We must resolve to stay at it until success is achieved. Please don't make spring break reservations without a refundable ticket, because we're all staying as long as it takes!

Freedom of Speech would like to say the problem the General Assembly needs to solve is the legacy of failure where (1) we suffer permanent tax increases for temporary property tax relief and (2) property tax caps disappear. The foundation for genuine property tax relief is a constitutional amendment for a 1% cap on our property taxes that would let us know the maximum property tax we will have to pay on our homes. The 1% cap would provide reassurance that property taxes will be less likely to become an unaffordable burden that could force us out of our homes.

Even those who favor property tax eliminates property tax for individual income tax payers - need to face political reality and support a constitutional amendment for a 1% homeowner property tax cap as a necessary first step for sweeping property tax reform.

Is there a better solution out there?

Never has it been so easy to separate those who are part of the solution from those who are part of the problem. A legislator who supports a constitutional amendment for a 1% homeowner property tax cap is part of the solution, otherwise the legislator is part of the problem.

Below is an up-to-date listing of those legislators who pledge to be:

Part of the Solution

Governor Mitch Daniels - mdaniels@gov.in.gov

Indiana Senate

Jeff Drozde - Smailto:S21@ai.gov
Connie Lawson - S24@ai.org
Tersea S. Lubbers - S30@ai.org
Joseph C. Zakas - S11@ai.org

Indiana House of Representatives

David Cheathem H69@ai.org
Robert W. (Bob) Cherry - H53@ai.org
Bill J. Davis - H33@ai.org
Eric Allan Koch - H65@ai.org
Michael B. Murphy - H90@ai.org
Jeff Thompson - H28@ai.org
P.Eric Turner - H32@ai.org

Part of the Problem

Indiana Senate

Ron Alting - S22@ai.org
Jim Arnold - S8@ai.org
Vaneta G. Becker - S50@ai.org
Pillip L. (Phil) Boots - S23@ai.org
Richard D. Bray - S37@ai.org
Jean Breaux - S34@ai.org
John E. Broden - S10@ai.org
Ed Charbonneau - S5@ai.org
Bob Deig - S49@ai.org
Mike Delph - S29-@ai.org
Gary P. Dillion - S17@ai.org
Sue Errington - S26-@ai.org
David C. Ford - S19@ai.org
Beverly J. Gard - S28@ai.org
Brandt Hershman - S7@ai.org
Glenn L. Howard - S33@ai.org
Lindel O. Hume - S48@ai.org
Robert N. Jackman - S42@ai.org
Luke Kenley - S20@ai.org
Dennis K. Kruse - S14@ai.org
Tim Lanane - S25@ai.org
Sue Landske - S6@ai.org
James (Jim) A. Lewis, Jr. S45@ai.org
David C. Long - S16@ai.org
Robert L. Meeks - S13@ai.org
James W. Merritt, Jr. S31@ai.org
Patricia L. Miller - S32@ai.org
Ryan D. Mishler - S9@ai.org
Frank Mrvan, Jr. - S1@ai.org
Johnny Nugent - S42@ai.org
Allen E. Paul - S27@ai.org
Marvin D. Riegsecker - S12@ai.org
Earline S. Rogers - S3@ai.org
Connie Weigleb Sipes - S46@ai.org
Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner - S38@ai.org
Samuel Smith Jr. - S2@ai.org
Brent E. Steele - S44@ai.org
Karen Tallian - S4@ai.org
Greg Walker - S41@ai.org
Brent Waltz - S36@ai.org
John M.Waterman - S39@ai.org
Thomas K. Weatherwax - s18@ai.org
Thomas J. Wyes S15@ai.org
R. Michael Young - S35@ai.org
Richard D. Young - S47@ai.org

Indiana House of Representatives

Terri Jo Austin - H36@ai.org
Dennis Avery - H75@ai.org
Jeb Barden - H25@ai.org
John Bartlett - H95@ai.org
Kreg Battles - H6@ai.org
B.Patrick Bauer - H6@ai.org
Robert W. Behning - H91@ai.org
Matt Bell - H83@ai.org
Robert J. Bischoff - H68@ai.org
Sandra Blanton - H62@ai.org
Bruce A. Borders - H45@ai.org
Randy Borror - H45@ai.org
Brian C. Bosma - H88@ai.org
Charlie Brown - H3@ai.org
Tim Brown - H41@ai.org
Jim Buck - H38@ai.org
Lawrence L. (Larry) Buell - H89@ai.org
Woody Burton - H58@ai.org
Mara Candelaria Rearden - H12@ai.org
William C. Cochran - H72@ai.org
William A. Crawford - H98@ai.org
Dave Crooks - H63@ai.org
Suzanne Crouch - H78@ai.org
John J. Day - H100@ai.org
Nancy Dembowski - H17@ai.org
Tom Dermody - H20@ai.org
Chester F. Dobis - H13@ai.org
Richard "Dick Dodge - H51@ai.org
Cleo Duncan - H67@ai.org
Ryan M. Dversk - H8@ai.org
Sean R. Eberhart - H57@ai.org
Jon Elrod - H97@ai.org
Jeffery K. Espich - H82@ai.org
Ralph M. Foley - H47@ai.org
William C. Friend - H23@ai.org
David N. Frizzell - H93@ai.org
Craig R. Fry - H5@ai.org
Phil GiaQuinta - H80@ai.org
Terry Goodin - H66@ai.org
F. Dale Grubb - H42@ai.org
Eric Gutwein - H16@ai.org
Earl L. Harris - H2@ai.org
Timonthy W. Harris - H31@ai.org
Ron Herrell - H30@ai.org
Phillip D. Hinkle - H92@ai.org
George Phillip Hey - H77@ai.org
Clyde Kersey - H43@ai.org
Shelia J. Klinker - H27@ai.org
Tom Knollman - H55@ai.org
Linda C. Lawson - H1@ai.org
Don Lehe - H15@ai.org
Daniel J. Leonard - H50@ai.org
L. Jack Lutz - H35@ai.org
Carolene Mays - H94@ai.org
Richard W. McClain - H24@ai.org
Joe Micon - H25@ai.org
Win Moses Jr. - H81@ai.org
Timonthy Neese - H48@ai.org
David L. Niezgodski - H7@ai.org
Cindy Noe - H87@ai.org
David Orentlicher - H86@ai.org
Dennie Oxley - H73@ai.org
Scott D. Pelath - H9@ai.org
Phillip Pflum - H56@ai.org
Matt Pierce - H61@ai.org
Phyllis J. Pond - H85@ai.org
Gregory W. Porter - H96@ai.org
Scott Reske - H37@ai.org
Kathy K. Richardson - H29@ai.org
Michael A. Ripley - H79@ai.org
Paul J. Robertson - H70@ai.org
William J. Ruppel - H22@ai.org
Thomas E. Saunders - H54@ai.org
Greg Simms - H10@ai.org
Mile Smith - H59@ai.org
Vernon G. Smith - H14@ai.org
Ed Soliday - H4@ai.org
Steven R. Stemler - H71@ai.org
Greg Steuerwald - H40@ai.org
Dan Stevenson, Sr. - H11@ai.org
Russ Stilwell - H74@ai.org
Marlin A. Stutzman - H52@ai.org
Vanessa J. Summers - H99@ai.org
Amos Thomas - H44@ai.org
Vern Tincher - H46@ai.org
Gerald R. Torr - H39@ai.org
Dennis Tyler - H34@ai.org
John D. Ulmer - H49@ai.org
Trent Van Haaften - H76@ai.com
Shelli VanDenburgh - H19@ai.org
Jackie Walorski - H21@ai.org
Peggy Welch - H60@ai.org
David A Wolkins - H18@ai.org

Freedom of Speech suggest you contact these elected officials and voice your opinion on property taxes!

We would also like to thank the following elected officials, citizens and groups:

Senator Evan Bayh, Senator Delph, Activist Dave Bond, Activist Greg Wilson, Tax repeal activist Abu Henderson, Paul Wheeler (Patriot Paul) Ken Morgan founder of Indiana Voters League, Aaron Smith Taxpayer Watchdog
Representative Cindy Noe, Senator Dennis Kruse, Rep. Jackie Walorski, Senator John Waterman, Senator Brent Steele, Senator Luke Kenley
Chris Hiatt of Citizens of Delware County
David Coker - Taxpayers Association
Greg Wright Taxpayer Activist
John Price Chairman of the Indiana Property Tax Alliance

Pat Harrison, Kim Matthews of concern citizens of New Albany, Clarksville Tax Reform Action Coalition, Jeffersonville Alliance to Abolish Property taxes, Sellersburg Concern citizens Group, Charlestown Taxpayers Coalition and New Albany's Fair Tax Coalition for Property tax Reform.

Our thanks to all those who participated, and helped organize this Rally in such short notice. A heartfelt thanks to all citizens who responded by contacting our legislators.

Your right Mitch..."We say, trust us taxpayers, give us the facts, and let us vote!"

Friday, January 11, 2008


Bill No. A-08-01


BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of New Albany, Indiana, to wit:

SECTION 1. That the hourly, bi-weekly or monthly salaries for the following are set as follows for the year 2008:

Board Of Works..............................BI-Weekly Pay

Deputy Mayor/Director
of City Operations.............................$1,669.10
John Wilcox
Yearly Income - $43,396.60

Asst. Dir. of City Operations/
L.T. Coordinator...............................$1,346.15
Matt Denison
Yearly Income - $34,999.90

T.I.F. Funds

Public Works Projects
John Rosenbarger
Yearly Income - $66,228.76


Concentrated Code Enforcement
Yearly Salary - $35,896.90
Position open

Econ. Dev. Fund/Plan Comm/

Deputy Mayor/Director of
Community Development.................$3,269.25
Carl Malysz
Yearly Income - $85,000.50

Douglas B. England, Mayor
City of New Albany

Source: Public Records

Freedom Of Speech would like to say:
City employees salaries must be approved by September 30 for the upcoming year.

IC 36-4-7-3 states: City Employees Compensation

(b) Subject to the approval of the city legislative body, the city executive shall fix the compensation of each appointive officer, and other employees of the city. The legislative body may reduce but, may not increase any compensation fixed by the executive.

A-07-43 Was approved on September 20, 2007 to approve city employees salaries for the year 2008.

How can the City Council change or amend the salaries for the year 2008 that were approved by Sept. 30, 2007 which complies to IC 36-4-7-3?

Even Mrs. Garry stated December 27, 2007: She was told by Mr. Pride from State Board of Accounts that they can do this by 2007 but not in 2008.

Source: Public Records

Freedom of Speech would like to ask:
How many more of these position deals is England going to make for his political buddies? Did you read the Courier - Journal article that stated that England gave former Mayor Garner a temporary position with a car while Garner is job hunting? The article stated that this 30 day position would pay Garner about $6,000.00. Our math tells us that about $6,000 x 12 months = about $72,000 per year. If you are in need of a job, just go on down to the "Speak Easy" our new Mayor's office.

We, the people,
We, the voters,
Have been lied to.

call :502-523-5726
ask new Mayor Deputy Doug why he lied to us about "not giving" James Garner a job!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


The check is in the mail, well sort of!

Your property rebate check will be in the mail by the end of January. The Department of Local Government has certified more than $300 million in tax rebate checks.

Don't get too excited though and don't spend it all in one place.

And to make matters worse, no one can figure out exactly how much the rebates will be.

At best DLGF Officials say you should take your 2007 tax bill, and add five to 10 percent to your homestead credit. That should give you a starting point to work with.

Source: Teresa Plaiss, Auditor

President Bush signed a bill intended to give public greater access to information about what local government is doing. The new law signed January 1, 2008 toughens the Freedom of Information Act, requiring that local government and agencies respond to requests within 20 days and creating a system for the public to tract the status of their requests.

Source: Heather Willis Neal - Indiana Public Access Counselor

As 2008 opens, January 1 marks the start of a new IRS mileage deduction for business use of your personal vehicle...always a popular subject with our readers. It's up a piddling 2 cents, from 48.5 cents a mile to 50.5 cents in 2008, despite the huge jump in gas prices.

Source: IRS

Saving the best news for last: Gahan returns as City Council President.

Congratulations Jeff
Freedom Of Speech Staff

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Is it true that there is a tax abatement on an individual residential property on this list? If so, let us all head downtown to apply for our residential property tax abatement!

Check it out...

Tax Abatement Report
release date: January 2, 2008


Deeded owner........................Deduction Amount

Cardinal Printing Inc. ...............$157,980

Carl F. Booth & Co. LLC..............$196,000

Clark Foods, Inc. .......................$162,070

Discount Labels, Inc. ................$23,410

Fire King International Inc. ......$107,710

Foam Fabricators, Inc. ..............$5,780

General Mills Operations, Inc....$2,404,240

Hitachi Cable Indiana, Inc........$115,4000

Huncilman Bert R. & Son, Inc....$167,130

Ideal Wood Products Inc...........$350,000

Kempco, Inc..............................$350,000

L&D Mail Masters Inc................$85,760

Limmco, Inc.............................$114,490

Mc Donald Marble &
Stone, Inc................................$90,860

Metal Sales Manf. Corp.............$61,090

Padgett, Inc.............................$18,290

Product Specialties, Inc...........$89,010

Riteway Industries, Inc...........$1,269,970

Samtec Inc..............................$473,360

T.G. Missouri Corp..................$4,397,980

Parcel Count Sub Total - 20
Total Parcel Count - 20

Sub Total - $10,596,280


Page (2)

4-L Company Of Carmel...........$140,000

Anderson Rentals, LLC...........$9,400

Ballew, Jesse..........................$3,100

Booth Acquisition, LLC...........$58,200

Clark Foods, Inc.....................$81,600

Clark Foods, Inc.....................$468,300

Community First
Holdings, Inc.........................$14,100

Cundiff, Michelle L.................$51,600

Develco Properties, LLC..........$1,372,700

Faith, Billie R. & Gloria S.
Living Trust...........................$17,000

Fischer, Steven A & Diane B....$117,100

Fischer, Steven A & Diane B....$546,400

Foam Fabricators, Ltd............$6,800

Furst, Richard J. & Kelly R.....$1,642,700

Garrett, John W. & Alice B......$25,000

General Mills Operations,

GTC Properties......................$256,200

Hancock, Glen G...................$29,900

Howard, Leann R.................$55,100

Humphreys, Dana L. &
Brown, Louise......................$32,500

Huncilman Enterprises........$125,800

Jones Popcorn Inc...............$37,100

JVB Investments, L.P...........$76,900

Kessans & Kessans
Properties Indiana..............$44,800

Koetter 4 Properties, LLC.....$278,400

Koetter Development
Co., Inc...............................$28,400

Lukemier, Mary E. &
Louis H. D/b/a/ Luke...........$292,700

Lumley Enterprises, Inc.......$1,435,800

Mc Donald, Robert &
Beverly, LLC.........................$400,300

Meyer Ventures, LLC............$2,260

Mitchell Veneers, Inc...........$529,700

Morency Real Estate LLC......$138,000

Northern, Elizbeth...............$700.00

Parr, LLC.............................$182,300

Padgett Inc..........................$16,100

Padgett Inc..........................$92,000

Padgett Realty, LLC.............$19,300

Padgett Realty, LLC..............$69,000

Padgett Realty, LLC..............$161,300

Payne, Stephen C 1/2 int.
& Sparkman, Ron.................$100,300

PC Properties, LLC................$818,200

Product Specialties, Inc........$448,200

Ragsdale, Gary L. &
Kimberly A...........................$11,800

Retailers Supply...................$793,800

Richardson Hawkins
Durik, LLC...........................$55,200

S & H Properties LLC............$192,200

S & H Properties LLC............$190,200

Scharlow, Larry L &
Brenda J.............................$332,400

Shine, J.R. & Mary Ellin.......$230,200

Shine, John B......................$1,921,200

Shireman-uhl Properties,

Southers, Sicely...................$69,300

Sprigler, Brenda K...............$49,400

St. Edward Court L.P...........$1,822,200

Stubbins, Wanda K.............$37,100

Sunnyview, LLC..................$435,900

TG Missouri Corporation.....$3,659,600

The Carlisle Family LLC.......$215,630

Tilton Stephen....................$458,500

Toman, Candice..................$40,750

Wallace, Stephen, & Shelia.$326,100

Wood & Horrell Limited
Liability Co........................$18,100

Woods Bay Lodging, LLC...$976,200

Zeller, Joseph & Teresa.....$23,700

Parcel Count Sub Total - 64
Total Parcel Count - 64

Sub Total $ 22,317,310.00


Page 1 Sub Total - $ 10, 596,280
Page 2 Sub Total - $ 22, 317,310

Total Tax
Abatement's...........$ 32, 913,590

Source: Teresa Plaiss, Auditor

Freedom of Speech would like to say:

Tax abatements reduce the amount that should go into our general fund that supports the city. If they don't pay all of their taxes, then we the taxpayers have to make up the difference out of our pockets.

If the County Council only gave 1 tax abatement then why did the City of New Albany give 84 worth $32,913,590 in 2007.

Source: County Council President, Larry McAllister
Source: Teresa Plaiss, Auditor
Source: Charlie Pride, State Board of Accounts

Local developers will argue and point to a long list of projects that would not have happened in New Albany without local tax increment financing or tax abatements. But we all know tax abatements and TIF are the bread, butter of local developers and development.

But Indiana's property tax crisis is prompting a fresh look at tax abatements and TIF, which critics say siphon away tax dollars from general revenues. We were assured by several Indiana General Assembly members to expected them to consider legislation reforming TIF and tax abatement practices in its upcoming 2008 session.

No wonder property owners are paying higher tax bills!

Friday, January 04, 2008


Last night an alliance of property tax protesters assembled with candles on the steps of the Statehouse to let it be known that SRJ 0008 will not die in the Senate Rules Committee on January 8th without dire political consequence paid by the legislators who killed it.

Consensus of this broad Alliance is for the total repeal of this broken property tax system and include the desire for all legislators to have the opportunity to register their vote instead of this bill suffering a committee killing. The people are demanding a vote from their legislators in open daylight.

Tax assessments are not accurate. They are prone to manipulation so that some people avoid them and others pay higher levels. It is virtually impossible for local government to make a fair assessment because of the expense. The typical process by which people use appraisers to determine market value is for two parties to each engage an appraiser and then divide the difference between the appraisal.


New Albany's Tea Party ~ Update:

The Tea Party Property Tax Protest scheduled for January 12, 2008 in downtown New Albany has been rescheduled to a later date due to the weather.

Freedom of Speech will inform the local taxpayers of the new date for the "New Albany Tea Party" to protest high property taxes.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


"Taxpayers of New Albany we're fighting for you!"

Property tax protesters will rally with candles at the State House on Thursday January 3rd to bring illumination to the plot of fervent anti-repeal Senator David Long (R) to kill SJR 0008 in the Senate Rules Committee without a hearing by the public and their elected representatives.

Citizens are aware that this is a political ploy used against the taxpayer in attempt to take property tax repeal out of the discussion for the 2008 legislative session thus making it impossible for legislators to vote for property tax repeal according to the demands of Indiana's citizens.

Citizen tax protesters understand that property tax is collateral used without consent of the taxpayer to guarantee many municipal bonds for municipal construction projects. This runaway government spending, in turn, is causing many homeowners to face the real potential of losing their homes and a lifetime of security.

Protesters from 92 counties will assemble on the northside of the State House with signs, patriotic costumes, candles, flashlights, and other illumination devices to demand that SJR 0008 is heard on the legislative floor by the elected state representatives of The People who expect property tax to be a permanently abolished in the State of Indiana.

Source: David Bond & Max Katz

Freedom of Speech would like to say if citizens lose representation and the opportunity to have an open debate on the property tax issue, it's logistically a two year setback for true reform and economic progress. Members of the legislature who deny Hoosiers an open debate or referendum on the elimination of property tax, should be voted out of office.
If members of the legislature are secure in their knowledge and beliefs, they'll have no trouble exposing them to the light of open debate where they can exercise the courage of their convictions.

Taxpayers of New Albany it's time to once again, email and call the people who are supposed to represent us, and insist on open debate of the property tax issue, on the floor of both houses!

Unlike our city, taxpayers pockets are only so deep.

Contact Information:

Senator Connie Sipes

email: S46@in.gov

Representative William C. Cochran

Freedom of Speech has organized a large group of New Albany taxpayers to make the trip to Indy on Thursday January 3, 2008. We will be there to voice the concerns of New Albany taxpayers.
Our concerns are increase property tax bills and out of control local spending in New Albany.

We also plan to check with state officials to verify that the recent salary increases are in line with Indiana State Law.