Thursday, August 31, 2006


The Democratic party ever has maintained, and ever will maintain, the supremacy of law, the independence of it's judicial administration, the inviolability of contract, and the obligations of all good citizens to resist every illegal trust, combination or attempt against the just rights of property and the good order of society, in which are bound up the peace and happiness of our people.

Believing these principles to be essential to the well-being of the public, we submit them to the consideration of the American people.

September 5, 1896


While we have accomplished a great deal - as a nation and a Party, we must continue to move forward in the 21st Century. We must work to incorporate all Americans into the fabric of our nation. The history of our next hundred years can be seen in the gorgous, mosaic of America, from the wheat fields of Nebraska to the barrios of New York City, from the mountains of Colorado to the rocky coast of Maine. The Democratic Party is America's last, best hope, to bridge the divisions of class, race, region, religion, ethnicity.

We will succeed if we continue to govern by the same principles that have made America the greatest nation on earth - the principals of strength, inclusion and opportunity. The Democratic Party is ready to take advantage of the opportunities we have and meet the challenges we face.




Sept. 10, 2006 - Democrat Picnic

1:00 pm - at Edwardsville Park on Corydon Ridge
12:30 pm - Come early for "Walk in the Park"

The Democratic Picnic and Walk in the park:

Raffle, Door prizes, face painting, games, horseback riding, bingo, Pitch - in -- bring your favorite dish. Soda and water provided. The introduction of Candidates and Officeholders will also be held.


Sept. 23 & 24 - Street Ball Tournament at Community Park:

Candidates may choose to sponsor a team, $80 per team or $20 per player.


Freedom Of Speech would like to say:

That the Floyd County Democrat Party should go back to the basics to advocate balanced, open and accountable government.

Instead of corruption & greed!