The Democratic party ever has maintained, and ever will maintain, the supremacy of law, the independence of it's judicial administration, the inviolability of contract, and the obligations of all good citizens to resist every illegal trust, combination or attempt against the just rights of property and the good order of society, in which are bound up the peace and happiness of our people.
Believing these principles to be essential to the well-being of the public, we submit them to the consideration of the American people.
September 5, 1896
While we have accomplished a great deal - as a nation and a Party, we must continue to move forward in the 21st Century. We must work to incorporate all Americans into the fabric of our nation. The history of our next hundred years can be seen in the gorgous, mosaic of America, from the wheat fields of Nebraska to the barrios of New York City, from the mountains of Colorado to the rocky coast of Maine. The Democratic Party is America's last, best hope, to bridge the divisions of class, race, region, religion, ethnicity.
We will succeed if we continue to govern by the same principles that have made America the greatest nation on earth - the principals of strength, inclusion and opportunity. The Democratic Party is ready to take advantage of the opportunities we have and meet the challenges we face.
Sept. 10, 2006 - Democrat Picnic
1:00 pm - at Edwardsville Park on Corydon Ridge
12:30 pm - Come early for "Walk in the Park"
The Democratic Picnic and Walk in the park:
Raffle, Door prizes, face painting, games, horseback riding, bingo, Pitch - in -- bring your favorite dish. Soda and water provided. The introduction of Candidates and Officeholders will also be held.
Sept. 23 & 24 - Street Ball Tournament at Community Park:
Candidates may choose to sponsor a team, $80 per team or $20 per player.
Freedom Of Speech would like to say:
That the Floyd County Democrat Party should go back to the basics to advocate balanced, open and accountable government.
Instead of corruption & greed!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
"This is a $9 million bailout of a utility that's failing, and that comes on the heels of a $40 million project." -- Council President Jeff Gahan stated.
Well...well... Council President Gahan you finally saw the light of truth!
We would like to know what happen with Councilman Blevins? Since he promised several constituents he would vote against any sewer rate increase. What is your excuse this time - job being threaten?
And Councilman Kochert you stated in an interview with the CJ that you would not vote for an increase unless it covered the additional projects needed to be done. And from our understanding we will still not have enough monies to fix it all? Would you care to comment about your statement.
And Councilman Seabrook you stated: How much you enjoyed being on the Council and Sewer Board then how come your running for Commissioner?
We would also like to ask Councilman Messer does he ever listen to what he is actually saying? We hope while your out campaigning in your patrol car you pick only oneside of your mouth to talk out of. Haven't you already broken enough promises?
It appears Councilman Price and the Indiana State Board of Accounts are on the same page. If only this Adminstration would get on board, we could avoid bankrupcy.
And to Councilman Schmidt you had the right solution for solving the sewer increase. But what can anyone expect when you have other Council members working under the Mayor? As we have stated in the past it is either "jimmy's way" or no way.
And we would like to say to Sewer Atty. Fifer we sure hope you enjoy that "big fat" commission check. You are strickly out for the money and not for what's best for the taxpayers of New Albany.
Freedom Of Speech would like to know who of all the 9 Council members will have the guts and courage to bring to Council a New Resolution to dissolve our Sewer Board?
And to think Mr. Mayor your Sewer Attorney could actually make the statement: He has to look at the big picture... Well the taxpayers will show you the big picture in 2007.
And Jimmy we know who paid for your last vacation you took to Florida. Makes us wonder who is really paying for this vacation?
Well...well... Council President Gahan you finally saw the light of truth!
We would like to know what happen with Councilman Blevins? Since he promised several constituents he would vote against any sewer rate increase. What is your excuse this time - job being threaten?
And Councilman Kochert you stated in an interview with the CJ that you would not vote for an increase unless it covered the additional projects needed to be done. And from our understanding we will still not have enough monies to fix it all? Would you care to comment about your statement.
And Councilman Seabrook you stated: How much you enjoyed being on the Council and Sewer Board then how come your running for Commissioner?
We would also like to ask Councilman Messer does he ever listen to what he is actually saying? We hope while your out campaigning in your patrol car you pick only oneside of your mouth to talk out of. Haven't you already broken enough promises?
It appears Councilman Price and the Indiana State Board of Accounts are on the same page. If only this Adminstration would get on board, we could avoid bankrupcy.
And to Councilman Schmidt you had the right solution for solving the sewer increase. But what can anyone expect when you have other Council members working under the Mayor? As we have stated in the past it is either "jimmy's way" or no way.
And we would like to say to Sewer Atty. Fifer we sure hope you enjoy that "big fat" commission check. You are strickly out for the money and not for what's best for the taxpayers of New Albany.
Freedom Of Speech would like to know who of all the 9 Council members will have the guts and courage to bring to Council a New Resolution to dissolve our Sewer Board?
And to think Mr. Mayor your Sewer Attorney could actually make the statement: He has to look at the big picture... Well the taxpayers will show you the big picture in 2007.
And Jimmy we know who paid for your last vacation you took to Florida. Makes us wonder who is really paying for this vacation?
Monday, August 28, 2006
The IEDC provides financial support for infrastructure improvements in conjunction with projects creating jobs and generating capital investment in Indiana.
This grant provides money to local governments for off-site infrastructure projects associated with an expansion of an existing Indiana company or the location of a new facility in Indiana. State funding through the IDGF program must be matched by a combination of local government and company financial support.
The grant may be awarded to communities or other eligible applicants who have a commitment letter from representatives of the affected industry/industries indicating their plan to locate or expand a facility.
The grant may be awarded to communities or other eligible applicants who have a commitment letter from representatives of the affected industry/industries indicating their plans to locate or expand a facility.
Eligible applicants include the following entities:
* City
* Town
* County
* Special taxing district
* An economic development commission
* Nonprofit corporation
* Regional water, sewage, or solid waste district
Projects which may qualify include
Construction, extension, or completion of:
* Sanitary sewer lines, storm sewers, and other related drainage facilities
* Waterlines
* Roads and storms
* Sidewalks
* Rail spurs and sidings
* Leasing, purchase, construction, repair, and rehabilitation of property, both real and personal; and
* Preparation of surveys, plans, and specifications for the construction of publicly owned and operated facitities, utilities, and services
This grant provides money to local governments for off-site infrastructure projects associated with an expansion of an existing Indiana company or the location of a new facility in Indiana. State funding through the IDGF program must be matched by a combination of local government and company financial support.
The grant may be awarded to communities or other eligible applicants who have a commitment letter from representatives of the affected industry/industries indicating their plan to locate or expand a facility.
The grant may be awarded to communities or other eligible applicants who have a commitment letter from representatives of the affected industry/industries indicating their plans to locate or expand a facility.
Eligible applicants include the following entities:
* City
* Town
* County
* Special taxing district
* An economic development commission
* Nonprofit corporation
* Regional water, sewage, or solid waste district
Projects which may qualify include
Construction, extension, or completion of:
* Sanitary sewer lines, storm sewers, and other related drainage facilities
* Waterlines
* Roads and storms
* Sidewalks
* Rail spurs and sidings
* Leasing, purchase, construction, repair, and rehabilitation of property, both real and personal; and
* Preparation of surveys, plans, and specifications for the construction of publicly owned and operated facitities, utilities, and services
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Will this be the final nail in Jimmy's Political Coffin after tonights vote to increase Sewer rates?
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Mayor Doug England
Glen Hancock - Sewer Atty.
Kay Garry
Regina Overton
Dick Bliss
John Mattingly
Mayor Doug England
Lee Buchanan - Sewer Atty.
Kay Garry
John Mattingly
Dick Bliss
Regina Overton
Mayor Doug England
Lee Buchanan - Sewer Atty.
Kay Garry
John Mattingly
Dick Bliss
Regina Overton
Mayor Regina Overton
Keith Henderson - Sewer Atty.
Chas Hunter
Bob Ledford
Larry Kochert
Bill Utz
Dick Bliss
Mayor Regina Overton
Keith Henderson - Sewer Atty.
Larry Kochert
Dick Bliss
Bob Ledford
Bill Utz
Chas Hunter
Mayor Regina Overton
Keith Henderson - Sewer Atty.
Larry Kochert
Dick Bliss
Greg Lamar
Chas Hunter
Mayor Regina Overton
Greg Fifer - Sewer Atty.
Dick Bliss
Larry Kochert
Greg Lamar
Mayor James Garner
Greg Fifer - Sewer Atty.
Bill Utz
Mark Seabrook
Todd Soloman
Larry Kochert
Mayor James Garner
Greg Fifer - Sewer Atty.
Bill Utz
Mark Seabrook
Todd Solomon
Larry Kochert
Mayor James Garner
Greg Fifer - Sewer Atty.
Bill Utz
Mark Seabrook
Todd Solomon
Larry Kochert
Accountability is a concept in eithics with several meanings. It is often sunonymously with such concepts as answerability, responsibility, blameworthiness, liability, and other terms associated with the expectation of account-giving.
As an aspect of local governance, it has been central to many discussions related to our sewer problems.
Freedom Of Speech would like to ask:
* Who should we blame for our Sewer problems?
* Who dropped the ball?
* Who should be held accountable?
* Who gained financially by being on the Sewer Board?
* How much commission has been made on Sewer Bonds?
Freedom Of Speech ask again who should we blame for our Sewer Problems?
Every "damn one of you" listed above who have sat and continues to sit on the Sewer Board!
Shame on you for what you have done to us taxpayers!
Mayor Doug England
Glen Hancock - Sewer Atty.
Kay Garry
Regina Overton
Dick Bliss
John Mattingly
Mayor Doug England
Lee Buchanan - Sewer Atty.
Kay Garry
John Mattingly
Dick Bliss
Regina Overton
Mayor Doug England
Lee Buchanan - Sewer Atty.
Kay Garry
John Mattingly
Dick Bliss
Regina Overton
Mayor Regina Overton
Keith Henderson - Sewer Atty.
Chas Hunter
Bob Ledford
Larry Kochert
Bill Utz
Dick Bliss
Mayor Regina Overton
Keith Henderson - Sewer Atty.
Larry Kochert
Dick Bliss
Bob Ledford
Bill Utz
Chas Hunter
Mayor Regina Overton
Keith Henderson - Sewer Atty.
Larry Kochert
Dick Bliss
Greg Lamar
Chas Hunter
Mayor Regina Overton
Greg Fifer - Sewer Atty.
Dick Bliss
Larry Kochert
Greg Lamar
Mayor James Garner
Greg Fifer - Sewer Atty.
Bill Utz
Mark Seabrook
Todd Soloman
Larry Kochert
Mayor James Garner
Greg Fifer - Sewer Atty.
Bill Utz
Mark Seabrook
Todd Solomon
Larry Kochert
Mayor James Garner
Greg Fifer - Sewer Atty.
Bill Utz
Mark Seabrook
Todd Solomon
Larry Kochert
Accountability is a concept in eithics with several meanings. It is often sunonymously with such concepts as answerability, responsibility, blameworthiness, liability, and other terms associated with the expectation of account-giving.
As an aspect of local governance, it has been central to many discussions related to our sewer problems.
Freedom Of Speech would like to ask:
* Who should we blame for our Sewer problems?
* Who dropped the ball?
* Who should be held accountable?
* Who gained financially by being on the Sewer Board?
* How much commission has been made on Sewer Bonds?
Freedom Of Speech ask again who should we blame for our Sewer Problems?
Every "damn one of you" listed above who have sat and continues to sit on the Sewer Board!
Shame on you for what you have done to us taxpayers!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
As TIF is collected in the downtown area, this EDIT loan must be repayed in the amount of $3,696,350 for the Parking Garage.
The next item of business was the Examination of the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Financial Report. The director brought attention to the State Street Parking Garage and stated general concerns regarding the Bonds. One concern the Director stated was that the bond payments are accelerating and becoming substantial. The Director explained that there will be a greater implication on EDIT (Economic Development Income Tax)
1. The parking garage finished a year or two prior to the bank building. The TIF proceeds started later than anticipated in the underwriting. From 1998 through 2001 there was an accumulated TIF shortage of $256,000.
2. The bank was originally to have five floors completed and occupied. There are two floors that were left unfinished so that the assessed value of the building is less than what was estimated, resulting in less TIF funds.
3. The orginal assessed value included a bank drive-through, but the site could not accommodate it. The New Albany Redevelopment Commission should add the drive-through to the TIF district to capture additional TIF proceeds.
4. EDIT funds are budgeted to be payable for a particular year. The Director suggested that the city budget the Edit funds and have them available to Redevelopment Commission before the payments are due. This gives the resources available on time without scrambling around for the funds to make payments. In order get on a valid schedule, an appeal has to be made to the Council and the Controller to receive the EDIT funds available now to be current with the payment.
5. A Lease Rental Reserve was required in the bond agreement. This costs around $40,000 a year for five years or $200,000.
The Director noted that in order to be current by the end of this year, there needs to be approximately $580,000 of EDIT funds allocated to the Redevelopment Commission. The Director also stated that by the time the project is paid off, we will pay approximately $3,696,350 of EDIT into the parking garage project. The Director stated that once the bonds are paid off, then TIF funds can be collected to refund the city the EDIT contributed. In return, the city can use those funds for other capital improvement projects.
Freedom Of Speech feels the above information proves that Atty. Fifer & Mayor Garner are not sharing all the facts and figures about TIF & EDIT Funds with the City Council and taxpayers.
Say it isn't so Jimmy!
The next item of business was the Examination of the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Financial Report. The director brought attention to the State Street Parking Garage and stated general concerns regarding the Bonds. One concern the Director stated was that the bond payments are accelerating and becoming substantial. The Director explained that there will be a greater implication on EDIT (Economic Development Income Tax)
1. The parking garage finished a year or two prior to the bank building. The TIF proceeds started later than anticipated in the underwriting. From 1998 through 2001 there was an accumulated TIF shortage of $256,000.
2. The bank was originally to have five floors completed and occupied. There are two floors that were left unfinished so that the assessed value of the building is less than what was estimated, resulting in less TIF funds.
3. The orginal assessed value included a bank drive-through, but the site could not accommodate it. The New Albany Redevelopment Commission should add the drive-through to the TIF district to capture additional TIF proceeds.
4. EDIT funds are budgeted to be payable for a particular year. The Director suggested that the city budget the Edit funds and have them available to Redevelopment Commission before the payments are due. This gives the resources available on time without scrambling around for the funds to make payments. In order get on a valid schedule, an appeal has to be made to the Council and the Controller to receive the EDIT funds available now to be current with the payment.
5. A Lease Rental Reserve was required in the bond agreement. This costs around $40,000 a year for five years or $200,000.
The Director noted that in order to be current by the end of this year, there needs to be approximately $580,000 of EDIT funds allocated to the Redevelopment Commission. The Director also stated that by the time the project is paid off, we will pay approximately $3,696,350 of EDIT into the parking garage project. The Director stated that once the bonds are paid off, then TIF funds can be collected to refund the city the EDIT contributed. In return, the city can use those funds for other capital improvement projects.
Freedom Of Speech feels the above information proves that Atty. Fifer & Mayor Garner are not sharing all the facts and figures about TIF & EDIT Funds with the City Council and taxpayers.
Say it isn't so Jimmy!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
TIF Fund balance as of July 30, 2006.
Grantline Road Balance ............ $1,060,791
Park East Balance ......................$1,174,704
State Street Balance................... $1,585,288
State Street Garage Balance........ $0
Charlestown Road Balance......... $851,423
Total TIF Bank Balance 07/30/06 .. $4,672,207
TIF Bond Payments owed for 2006
Grantline Road Bond Payment due 9/06 - $123,582
Park East Payment due 8/06 - $26,812
Charlestown Road Payment due 8/6 - $42,717
Freedom Of Speech would like to say:
Mr. Mayor did you actually think you could keep this information from us taxpayers?
Shame on you... Jimmy!
Grantline Road Balance ............ $1,060,791
Park East Balance ......................$1,174,704
State Street Balance................... $1,585,288
State Street Garage Balance........ $0
Charlestown Road Balance......... $851,423
Total TIF Bank Balance 07/30/06 .. $4,672,207
TIF Bond Payments owed for 2006
Grantline Road Bond Payment due 9/06 - $123,582
Park East Payment due 8/06 - $26,812
Charlestown Road Payment due 8/6 - $42,717
Freedom Of Speech would like to say:
Mr. Mayor did you actually think you could keep this information from us taxpayers?
Shame on you... Jimmy!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Pick a plan City Council Members:
But keep in mind: Any of the so called "Jimmy plans" will be making someone a big fat commission check. Who will it be?
But keep in mind: Any of the so called "Jimmy plans" will be making someone a big fat commission check. Who will it be?
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Apply the anticipated $3 million of the Jail Bond Reserve Fund to the sewer utility.
Pledge $1 million or more Edit Fund annually for 17 or 20 years to the Sewer Utility. These are funds that the city has not had in hand because the $1 million was paid to the Jail Bond before the city received Edit Funds.
If the Jail Bond Reserve is $3,384,554 as it has been reported. Then, direct the $384,554.. To the Street Department to help their Deficit.
Freedom Of Speech is aware that Councilman Schmidt distributed his suggested plan for Sewer Fund Financing to each of the City Council Members over the weekend.
A Council Member has shared the Sewer Financing plan suggested by Councilman Schmidt with Freedom Of Speech.
As you read this suggested plan, please note the bottom line:
Freedom Of Speech is quite sure that other Council Members have suggestions to offer.
Freedom Of Speech welcomes, and will post those plans.
The Mayor's only solution is to raise our Sewer Bills and "SCREW" us taxpayers again!
Apply the anticipated $3 million of the Jail Bond Reserve Fund to the sewer utility.
Pledge $1 million or more Edit Fund annually for 17 or 20 years to the Sewer Utility. These are funds that the city has not had in hand because the $1 million was paid to the Jail Bond before the city received Edit Funds.
If the Jail Bond Reserve is $3,384,554 as it has been reported. Then, direct the $384,554.. To the Street Department to help their Deficit.
Freedom Of Speech is aware that Councilman Schmidt distributed his suggested plan for Sewer Fund Financing to each of the City Council Members over the weekend.
A Council Member has shared the Sewer Financing plan suggested by Councilman Schmidt with Freedom Of Speech.
As you read this suggested plan, please note the bottom line:
Freedom Of Speech is quite sure that other Council Members have suggestions to offer.
Freedom Of Speech welcomes, and will post those plans.
The Mayor's only solution is to raise our Sewer Bills and "SCREW" us taxpayers again!
Friday, August 18, 2006
It appears since the money has been found the need for a sewer rate increase should be slowly diminishing. If the sewers only short fall were September's payment, then the 3.3 million will cover that nicely.
Why is Jimmy so set on raising our sewer rate?
Here is the abridged version:
Jimmy in the 11th hour again informs the council and taxpayers they must refinance certain bonds and raise sewer rates.
*As of the latest financial report if we paid the September bond payment we would be below our debt reserve limit, to avoid being below this limit, Jimmy proposes to not only increase the rate but to refinance and issue additional bonds.
And who do you think will make a hefty commission on this little $39 million dollar deal?
Freedom of Speech's Plan:
We take 3.3 million dollars of the Jail Bond Reserve Fund.
We take $1,354,564.63 from TIF Fund.
We impose a one time excess levy fee for the DROP Program - at least it's fair and everyone pays.
We would dissolve the Sewer Board and and hire a full time Sewer Engineer. And a Stormwater Engineer.
All funds borrowed from the sewer utility to finance other departments should be returned.
Take a million dollars from EDIT.
We should not renew the contract with EMC. We should be making a profit for New Albany instead of making a profit for EMC. What has EMC done to earn their $3.6 million per year?
At least we have a plan Mr. Mayor! What's your excuse?
The City Assessor's Office furnished Indiana Water with a list of every piece of property in New Albany. This should enable Indiana Water to keep track of how many homes are hooked up to the sewer system and which home owners are paying their sewer bills and which are not.
We think that our plan is very feasible and worth consideration, not that Jimmy would deem to consider a plan drawn up by ordinary citizens and taxpayers!
Has Jimmy caught Regina's "fuzzy math syndrome"?
Freedom of Speech would like to have the following questions addressed with factual documented answers:
How much money is owed from delinquent sewer bills?
Why should the sewer paying customers have to pay for non-paying customers by instituting a rate increase?
According to the sewer board minutes Jimmy has been aware of this problem since August 2005 when the board voted 4-0 not to have any money leave the sewer fund to finance any other department. At the last council meeting Jimmy admitted borrowing money from the sewer department to fund other departments. His only reason is "it's always been done". Well common sense tells you if you keep doing the same thing: you will keep getting the same result.
During Jimmy's campaign he promised to address the lingering issues left over from Regina. In actuality he has continued down her path. History is repeating itself.
When will the blame game stop and the solutions start for our sewer problems? As taxpayers we feel that everyone should be paying their sewer bill.
Why should we borrow more money? Borrow, borrow, borrow, spend, spend, spend. Do you know any other way?
The citizens of New albany are not going to pay for your mistakes anymore. The money is available - use it.
No more blame game. Let's deal with the facts and solutions.
Jimmy perhaps you should take your advisor, Baylor's, advice and stop saying no, hell no, we can't spend the EDIT monies or the 3.3 million to save the taxpayers from having a rate increase.
If Freedom of Speech could ask Jimmy one question it would be this:
Why is it that you have no real plan, no real solution, or no other real option but to raise our rates?
Any plan that Jimmy comes up with is to save money for next year and provide his play money to help make him look good for his Re-Election in 2007!
Why is Jimmy so set on raising our sewer rate?
Here is the abridged version:
Jimmy in the 11th hour again informs the council and taxpayers they must refinance certain bonds and raise sewer rates.
*As of the latest financial report if we paid the September bond payment we would be below our debt reserve limit, to avoid being below this limit, Jimmy proposes to not only increase the rate but to refinance and issue additional bonds.
And who do you think will make a hefty commission on this little $39 million dollar deal?
Freedom of Speech's Plan:
We take 3.3 million dollars of the Jail Bond Reserve Fund.
We take $1,354,564.63 from TIF Fund.
We impose a one time excess levy fee for the DROP Program - at least it's fair and everyone pays.
We would dissolve the Sewer Board and and hire a full time Sewer Engineer. And a Stormwater Engineer.
All funds borrowed from the sewer utility to finance other departments should be returned.
Take a million dollars from EDIT.
We should not renew the contract with EMC. We should be making a profit for New Albany instead of making a profit for EMC. What has EMC done to earn their $3.6 million per year?
At least we have a plan Mr. Mayor! What's your excuse?
The City Assessor's Office furnished Indiana Water with a list of every piece of property in New Albany. This should enable Indiana Water to keep track of how many homes are hooked up to the sewer system and which home owners are paying their sewer bills and which are not.
We think that our plan is very feasible and worth consideration, not that Jimmy would deem to consider a plan drawn up by ordinary citizens and taxpayers!
Has Jimmy caught Regina's "fuzzy math syndrome"?
Freedom of Speech would like to have the following questions addressed with factual documented answers:
How much money is owed from delinquent sewer bills?
Why should the sewer paying customers have to pay for non-paying customers by instituting a rate increase?
According to the sewer board minutes Jimmy has been aware of this problem since August 2005 when the board voted 4-0 not to have any money leave the sewer fund to finance any other department. At the last council meeting Jimmy admitted borrowing money from the sewer department to fund other departments. His only reason is "it's always been done". Well common sense tells you if you keep doing the same thing: you will keep getting the same result.
During Jimmy's campaign he promised to address the lingering issues left over from Regina. In actuality he has continued down her path. History is repeating itself.
When will the blame game stop and the solutions start for our sewer problems? As taxpayers we feel that everyone should be paying their sewer bill.
Why should we borrow more money? Borrow, borrow, borrow, spend, spend, spend. Do you know any other way?
The citizens of New albany are not going to pay for your mistakes anymore. The money is available - use it.
No more blame game. Let's deal with the facts and solutions.
Jimmy perhaps you should take your advisor, Baylor's, advice and stop saying no, hell no, we can't spend the EDIT monies or the 3.3 million to save the taxpayers from having a rate increase.
If Freedom of Speech could ask Jimmy one question it would be this:
Why is it that you have no real plan, no real solution, or no other real option but to raise our rates?
Any plan that Jimmy comes up with is to save money for next year and provide his play money to help make him look good for his Re-Election in 2007!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
In a Tribune article on Sat. 8/19/06, Auditor Plaiss clarified that the city and county will each receive $ 3,384,554.19 from the Jail Bond Reserve Fund. Thank You, Auditor Plaiss.
Remember-- Umbaugh, the paid accounting firm, and Greg Fifer, the paid Sewer Board Attorney, told the City Council that they could find no record of such a Jail Bond Reserve Fund.
The mayor made the same statement.
Mrs. Garry, paid City Controller, told the council that Auditor Plaiss had not been able to confirm that the city would receive money from the Jail Bond Reserve Fund.
The big question remains-- why is the mayor, the paid accounting firm & the paid sewer attorney making such a big "crisis pitch" to place the sewer rate increase on our backs???
They tried to back us in a corner and take away any options again just to try and scare us with their claim that they could not find the Jail Bond Reserve Fund to help avoid the rate increase.
What will their next big batch of lies and scare tactics be for the sewer rate increase? We urge you to attend the public hearing this Wednesday at 6:00 PM. on the 3rd floor of the City-County Bldg.
Will they now try to use the kindergarten story that shouts..."THE SKY IS FALLING" we have no other choice, no other options but to raise our sewer bill because they refuse to come up with any solution other than it's "Jimmy's" way or no way? I am going to raise your sewer bill regardless of what any of you taxpayers want or think!
Remember-- Umbaugh, the paid accounting firm, and Greg Fifer, the paid Sewer Board Attorney, told the City Council that they could find no record of such a Jail Bond Reserve Fund.
The mayor made the same statement.
Mrs. Garry, paid City Controller, told the council that Auditor Plaiss had not been able to confirm that the city would receive money from the Jail Bond Reserve Fund.
The big question remains-- why is the mayor, the paid accounting firm & the paid sewer attorney making such a big "crisis pitch" to place the sewer rate increase on our backs???
They tried to back us in a corner and take away any options again just to try and scare us with their claim that they could not find the Jail Bond Reserve Fund to help avoid the rate increase.
What will their next big batch of lies and scare tactics be for the sewer rate increase? We urge you to attend the public hearing this Wednesday at 6:00 PM. on the 3rd floor of the City-County Bldg.
Will they now try to use the kindergarten story that shouts..."THE SKY IS FALLING" we have no other choice, no other options but to raise our sewer bill because they refuse to come up with any solution other than it's "Jimmy's" way or no way? I am going to raise your sewer bill regardless of what any of you taxpayers want or think!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Help me find my owner
I'm soft to touch
I'm luxurious; the King of Spend has graced me with his royal feet
I smell of money
I was paid for by the taxpayers of New Albany
Help! I have been tossed aside and perhaps replaced by something better.
If you find me I am worth $100 cash. To collect the reward you must provide a notarized affidavit with proof of my original ownership. A copy of the claim form and the approval name of person or persons who appproved such purchase along with check or cash receipt for verfication.
Freedom Of Speech is offering to help solve the mystery:
Of the "I don't know where" the Dodge Durango Suv floor mats are?
This reward will be in effect for 30 days from date of posting. E-mail Freedom Of Speech with digital photo of all proof. Send name and address and the "reward money" will be paid in unmarked bills or nickels & dimes which ever you prefere.
Maybe between all of us taxpayers this might be "ONE PROBLEM" we can all help solve in New Albany.
Where is Jimmy's $749.55 Suv floor mats?
Happy Hunting!

Help me find my owner
I'm soft to touch
I'm luxurious; the King of Spend has graced me with his royal feet
I smell of money
I was paid for by the taxpayers of New Albany
Help! I have been tossed aside and perhaps replaced by something better.
If you find me I am worth $100 cash. To collect the reward you must provide a notarized affidavit with proof of my original ownership. A copy of the claim form and the approval name of person or persons who appproved such purchase along with check or cash receipt for verfication.
Freedom Of Speech is offering to help solve the mystery:
Of the "I don't know where" the Dodge Durango Suv floor mats are?
This reward will be in effect for 30 days from date of posting. E-mail Freedom Of Speech with digital photo of all proof. Send name and address and the "reward money" will be paid in unmarked bills or nickels & dimes which ever you prefere.
Maybe between all of us taxpayers this might be "ONE PROBLEM" we can all help solve in New Albany.
Where is Jimmy's $749.55 Suv floor mats?
Happy Hunting!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The Umbaugh Firm can't find it. Sewer Board Atty. Greg Fifer can't find it. And the Mayor can't find it. And now the City Controller Kay Garry can't find it.
City Controller Garry stated she went downstairs to the Auditor's Office 32 times "And still can't find the 3.2 million dollar Jail Bond Reserve Money."
Isn't that about right!
Hey... Taxpayers you better get your checkbook ready. We have a strong feeling were about to get "screwed" again!
500 Days and counting
City Controller Garry stated she went downstairs to the Auditor's Office 32 times "And still can't find the 3.2 million dollar Jail Bond Reserve Money."
Isn't that about right!
Hey... Taxpayers you better get your checkbook ready. We have a strong feeling were about to get "screwed" again!
500 Days and counting
Monday, August 14, 2006
Slum-lord: An owner of slum property, especially one that overcharges tenants and allows the property to deteriorate.
First Savings VS David B. Gregory, Stephen Gregory & Others
1. 1106 E. Elm ST.................$59,895
2. 3847 Dunbar Ave.............$62,346
3. 714 W. Spring St...............$61,834
4. 414 E. 5th St.....................$55,837
5. 512 E. 5th St.....................$54,999
6. 1611 King St......................$52,700
7. 2103 Willow Ave...............$8,910
8. 1140 West St.....................$59,154
9. 320 E. 12th St...................$55.116
10. 1408 Ekin St....................$56,430
11. 323 E. 12 St......................$55,486
12. 2109 Charlestown Rd.....$60,324
13. 1548 E. 8th St.................$63,558
14. 1613 E. Main St..............$65,829
15. 317 E. 10th St.................$62.325
16. 600 Culberson...............$66,670
17. 1412 South St.................$61,459
18. 2206 Lopp Ave..............$57,934
19. 416-418 E. 10th St........$65,355
20. 237 Silver St.................$58,592
21. 2104 Shelby St..............$73,200
22. 312 E. 9th St.................$47,432
Mr. Gregory is on the mayor's campaign finance report. We have a copy of it. And we highly suggest you pick a copy up for your reading pleasure. Mr. Gregory helped the mayor get elected, and we wonder why we don't have Code Enforcement?...HELLO!!! These little money trees must have "dried up" or they wouldn't be auctioned. They've served their purpose but are no longer of use to him, so he's making the city take over these decrepit buildings. And the city is letting him...boy, what a sham.
Freedom Of Speech is wondering if Mr. Gregory might have some:
1. Unpaid Sewer Bills?
2. Unpaid Garbage Service?
3. Unpaid Property Taxes?
4. Unpaid Stormwater Fee?
Could this be a part of the reason for the drop in revenue for New Albany?
First Savings VS David B. Gregory, Stephen Gregory & Others
1. 1106 E. Elm ST.................$59,895
2. 3847 Dunbar Ave.............$62,346
3. 714 W. Spring St...............$61,834
4. 414 E. 5th St.....................$55,837
5. 512 E. 5th St.....................$54,999
6. 1611 King St......................$52,700
7. 2103 Willow Ave...............$8,910
8. 1140 West St.....................$59,154
9. 320 E. 12th St...................$55.116
10. 1408 Ekin St....................$56,430
11. 323 E. 12 St......................$55,486
12. 2109 Charlestown Rd.....$60,324
13. 1548 E. 8th St.................$63,558
14. 1613 E. Main St..............$65,829
15. 317 E. 10th St.................$62.325
16. 600 Culberson...............$66,670
17. 1412 South St.................$61,459
18. 2206 Lopp Ave..............$57,934
19. 416-418 E. 10th St........$65,355
20. 237 Silver St.................$58,592
21. 2104 Shelby St..............$73,200
22. 312 E. 9th St.................$47,432
Mr. Gregory is on the mayor's campaign finance report. We have a copy of it. And we highly suggest you pick a copy up for your reading pleasure. Mr. Gregory helped the mayor get elected, and we wonder why we don't have Code Enforcement?...HELLO!!! These little money trees must have "dried up" or they wouldn't be auctioned. They've served their purpose but are no longer of use to him, so he's making the city take over these decrepit buildings. And the city is letting him...boy, what a sham.
Freedom Of Speech is wondering if Mr. Gregory might have some:
1. Unpaid Sewer Bills?
2. Unpaid Garbage Service?
3. Unpaid Property Taxes?
4. Unpaid Stormwater Fee?
Could this be a part of the reason for the drop in revenue for New Albany?
Sunday, August 13, 2006
WHEREAS, the City of New Albany, Indiana desires to continue to maintain, repair and improve the sewage works system; and
WHEREAS, the City receives EDIT Funds; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council finds that the EDIT Funds should be used to for the purpose of annual maintenance and repair costs for the sewage works system;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Albany, Indiana that;
1. The Common Council does hereby pledge an annual appropriation of $270,000 from the EDIT Fund for the purpose of annual maintenance and repair cost for the sewage works system as defined in the Agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC.
2. The annual EDIT Fund pledge of $270,000 shall be in addition to the $180,000 set aside under the Agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC.
3. If the Common Council does not make an annual appropriation of $270,000 from EDIT Fund, the Sewer Board is directed to present such sewer rate increases to the Council for consideration.
Adopted this 19th day of December, 2002
DECEMBER 19,2002
City Council minutes page 2, para 5
Financial Consultant John Skomp told the council that state officals, at the 11th hour, also began questioning the use of the $270,000 to help pay off the state loan Skomp said, the adminstration prepared a resolution saying the $270,000 would be committed to an annual maintance fund used by EMC, which operates the city's sewer system.
DECEMBER 19,2002
City Council minutes page 5
2. The annual EDIT FUND pledge of $270,000 shall be in addition to the $180,000 set aside under the Agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC,
Resolution R-02-51 passed with a show of hands.
Councilman Goldberg voted nay.
DECEMBER 19, 2002
City Council minutes page 3, para 5
Ordinance was approved and became G-02-51
G-02-17 page 3, para 1
"WHEREAS, the bonds will constitute a first charge against the NET REVENUES OF THE SEWER SYSTEMS.
page 6, para 2.
(c) "The Bonds will be payable soley out of and constitute a first charge against the Net Revenues of the System."
1997 ORDINANCE G-97-189 Page 2
Refunding Bonds of 1991 and 1993
(iii) "all of the EDIT Bonds to eliminate the pledge of the City's distributive share of the Economic Development Income Tax of Floyd County to the Edit Bonds which, will in turn:
(a) allow the City to fund additional sewer repairs within the city.
G-97-189 page 2
All of the EDIT Bonds to eliminate the pledge of the City's distributive share of the Economic Development Income Tax of Floyd County to the EDIT Bonds which will, in turn (a) allow the City to fund additional sewer repairs within the City (b) lessen the amount of debt subject to the City's constitutional two percent debt limit.
Freedom Of Speech would like to ask:
1. On what basis did H.J.Umbaugh & Associates pledge $270,000 towards Sewage Works Bonds up thru 2021?
2. What Document did H.J. Umbaugh & Associates use to back up that $270,000 EDIT money pledge to the Sewer Bonds?
WHEREAS, the City of New Albany, Indiana desires to continue to maintain, repair and improve the sewage works system; and
WHEREAS, the City receives EDIT Funds; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council finds that the EDIT Funds should be used to for the purpose of annual maintenance and repair costs for the sewage works system;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of New Albany, Indiana that;
1. The Common Council does hereby pledge an annual appropriation of $270,000 from the EDIT Fund for the purpose of annual maintenance and repair cost for the sewage works system as defined in the Agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC.
2. The annual EDIT Fund pledge of $270,000 shall be in addition to the $180,000 set aside under the Agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC.
3. If the Common Council does not make an annual appropriation of $270,000 from EDIT Fund, the Sewer Board is directed to present such sewer rate increases to the Council for consideration.
Adopted this 19th day of December, 2002
DECEMBER 19,2002
City Council minutes page 2, para 5
Financial Consultant John Skomp told the council that state officals, at the 11th hour, also began questioning the use of the $270,000 to help pay off the state loan Skomp said, the adminstration prepared a resolution saying the $270,000 would be committed to an annual maintance fund used by EMC, which operates the city's sewer system.
DECEMBER 19,2002
City Council minutes page 5
2. The annual EDIT FUND pledge of $270,000 shall be in addition to the $180,000 set aside under the Agreement between the City of New Albany and EMC of Indiana, LLC,
Resolution R-02-51 passed with a show of hands.
Councilman Goldberg voted nay.
DECEMBER 19, 2002
City Council minutes page 3, para 5
Ordinance was approved and became G-02-51
G-02-17 page 3, para 1
"WHEREAS, the bonds will constitute a first charge against the NET REVENUES OF THE SEWER SYSTEMS.
page 6, para 2.
(c) "The Bonds will be payable soley out of and constitute a first charge against the Net Revenues of the System."
1997 ORDINANCE G-97-189 Page 2
Refunding Bonds of 1991 and 1993
(iii) "all of the EDIT Bonds to eliminate the pledge of the City's distributive share of the Economic Development Income Tax of Floyd County to the Edit Bonds which, will in turn:
(a) allow the City to fund additional sewer repairs within the city.
G-97-189 page 2
All of the EDIT Bonds to eliminate the pledge of the City's distributive share of the Economic Development Income Tax of Floyd County to the EDIT Bonds which will, in turn (a) allow the City to fund additional sewer repairs within the City (b) lessen the amount of debt subject to the City's constitutional two percent debt limit.
Freedom Of Speech would like to ask:
1. On what basis did H.J.Umbaugh & Associates pledge $270,000 towards Sewage Works Bonds up thru 2021?
2. What Document did H.J. Umbaugh & Associates use to back up that $270,000 EDIT money pledge to the Sewer Bonds?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
1. Council approved $30,000. For Ordinance Officer in 2004.
2. Council approved $16,000. For paralegal in City Attorney office to help process city code violations, place liens for charges.
3. Now-The City Attorney needs to pay $95 per hour for contract legal help in his office.
4. Is City Attorney Gibson so busy on the Scribner Place project that he does not have time to process Code Enforecement?
5. Has the possibility of City Attorney Gibson receiving a large commission fee on the Scribner Bonds take all of his attention?
6. City Attorney Gibson is paid from several City Funds:
City Attorney...........$27.986
Plan Commission....$13.165
Flood Control..........$1,600
Total Salary............$42,751 - Taxpayers dollars
(Not bad for a P/T Job)
7. Person paid out of salaries from City Attorney Budget:
City Atty...............................$27,986
Code Enforcement Officer...$30,000
City Atty.Office Total...........$73,986 - Taxpayers dollars
8. So-- with all of this help and expense our Code Enforcement Officer is without enforcement.
9. The solution is to hire contract legal person at 95 taxpayers dollars per hour?
* Perhaps City Controller Kay Garry's daughter will be able to put the enforcement behind our Code Enforcement Officer at $95.00 per hour.
10. What is the $16,000 paralegal doing, if she is not processing Code Enforcement Violations?
* Unsafe shabby buildings, weeds, grass, junk cars, illegal parking on the grass, mounds of garbage and trash all over New Albany.
Freedom Of Speech would like to say that:
The City Council did their job, and Pam Badger is trying to do her job. Now City Atty. Gibson when are you "going to do" your job?
It is what it is...
Look at the facts and draw your own conclusions!
2. Council approved $16,000. For paralegal in City Attorney office to help process city code violations, place liens for charges.
3. Now-The City Attorney needs to pay $95 per hour for contract legal help in his office.
4. Is City Attorney Gibson so busy on the Scribner Place project that he does not have time to process Code Enforecement?
5. Has the possibility of City Attorney Gibson receiving a large commission fee on the Scribner Bonds take all of his attention?
6. City Attorney Gibson is paid from several City Funds:
City Attorney...........$27.986
Plan Commission....$13.165
Flood Control..........$1,600
Total Salary............$42,751 - Taxpayers dollars
(Not bad for a P/T Job)
7. Person paid out of salaries from City Attorney Budget:
City Atty...............................$27,986
Code Enforcement Officer...$30,000
City Atty.Office Total...........$73,986 - Taxpayers dollars
8. So-- with all of this help and expense our Code Enforcement Officer is without enforcement.
9. The solution is to hire contract legal person at 95 taxpayers dollars per hour?
* Perhaps City Controller Kay Garry's daughter will be able to put the enforcement behind our Code Enforcement Officer at $95.00 per hour.
10. What is the $16,000 paralegal doing, if she is not processing Code Enforcement Violations?
* Unsafe shabby buildings, weeds, grass, junk cars, illegal parking on the grass, mounds of garbage and trash all over New Albany.
Freedom Of Speech would like to say that:
The City Council did their job, and Pam Badger is trying to do her job. Now City Atty. Gibson when are you "going to do" your job?
It is what it is...
Look at the facts and draw your own conclusions!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Mr. Tucker,
Again, thank you for the publicity you have given to me. I am fortunate to have so much attention dedicated to me in our local paper. While we are all entitled to our opinions, and I for one encourage everyone to look at the facts presented to draw their own conclusion.
It is fair to say that you and I see things through a different view. It would be unfair to the public to deem your view as correct, and mine less deserving of credit. There are always two sides to everything. As is there more than one solution to an issue. All opinions aside, let’s look at the undisputable facts.
While some people justify the spending, and give excuses for inactions, it is what it is, the facts:
* Yes, there was $400 spent on flowers from the Mayors budget.
* The parks department spent over $11,000 on cell phone bills.
* There is an ordinance put before the council on raising the sewer bills.
* August 2005 Sewer board voted 4-0 money shall not be taken from the sewer to fund any other department
* Attempts have not been made to collects sewer delinquents since November of last year
* Certain attorneys are representing the city and builders regarding legal matters– conflict of interest is being looked into
* EPA has an investigator looking into the fiscal management of the sewer
* Several businesses were not being billed for sewers and totals in the tens of thousands accumulated.
* State Board of Accounts in 2004 audit stated there were numerous bank accounts, and accounts were not reconciled on a monthly bases as set forth by State statue.
Am I being petty, am I picking on the nickels and dimes. The answer to that question is an opinion of itself.
Before I close, I leave you with one more fact. The definition of rape according to Webster’s Dictionary is as follows; abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.
I presume your opinion of the situation dictates your choice of meaning to the term.
What do you call what’s being done to the citizens of New Albany?
Steve Price
Freedom of Speech would like to thank Councilman Steve Price for allowing us the opportunity to post the complete letter to John Tucker, Publisher of the Tribune.
Will Mr. Tucker have the guts to print it in its entirety?
Freedom Of Speech feels that the Tribune should be a bi-partisan newspaper. But apparently it is not. It is more like what Jimmy wants printed is what Jimmy gets printed!
And what Jimmy doesn't want printed doesn't get printed.
After all isn't Jimmy's way always the right way.
We would like to know what your personal agenda is Mr. Tucker? Oh yes that's right selling newspapers and making a profit. Right...
Since almost every article you "publish" are in total support of Mayor Garner and his Adminstration. You never print the complete truth nor the complete facts. And we would like to know why.
Your paper is doing a disservice to your customers, which are also the taxpayers and misleading them on the real issues.
Freedom Of Speech would like to know Mr. Tucker if your article: "They're leading the disarray (New Albany Council is at it again)"
1. Was it based on your own personal views, thoughts, or opinions?
2. Or was it based on the current Adminstrations instructions?
3. Or is it the position of the Tribune to evade the real issues and the cold hard truth or is it just trying to cover up his mistakes at the taxpayers expense?
Lord knows we all know about his mismanagement and wasteful spending antics. Where is the accountiability to the taxpayers and your readers Mr. Tucker?
And you Sir, do not speak for the majority of us, the taxpayers of New Albany in your newspaper!
Unlike the majority of the council, Councilman Steve Price is not a rubber stamp for this administration, but does work hard for the taxpayers of New Albany.
We need more Councilmen like Mr. Price who ask the tough questions, and has a common sense approach instead of being a "yes man" for the mayor.
Freedom of Speech along with Councilman Steve Price has received an overwhelming positive support in regards to his comments made at Monday night's (August 7th) council meeting.
We, the participants of Freedom Of Speech totally agree with the facts presented, the questions asked, and support the statements Councilman Price made.
It is our opinion based on our facts that this Mayor and his Adminstration are "raping the taxpayers" of New Albany!
Again, thank you for the publicity you have given to me. I am fortunate to have so much attention dedicated to me in our local paper. While we are all entitled to our opinions, and I for one encourage everyone to look at the facts presented to draw their own conclusion.
It is fair to say that you and I see things through a different view. It would be unfair to the public to deem your view as correct, and mine less deserving of credit. There are always two sides to everything. As is there more than one solution to an issue. All opinions aside, let’s look at the undisputable facts.
While some people justify the spending, and give excuses for inactions, it is what it is, the facts:
* Yes, there was $400 spent on flowers from the Mayors budget.
* The parks department spent over $11,000 on cell phone bills.
* There is an ordinance put before the council on raising the sewer bills.
* August 2005 Sewer board voted 4-0 money shall not be taken from the sewer to fund any other department
* Attempts have not been made to collects sewer delinquents since November of last year
* Certain attorneys are representing the city and builders regarding legal matters– conflict of interest is being looked into
* EPA has an investigator looking into the fiscal management of the sewer
* Several businesses were not being billed for sewers and totals in the tens of thousands accumulated.
* State Board of Accounts in 2004 audit stated there were numerous bank accounts, and accounts were not reconciled on a monthly bases as set forth by State statue.
Am I being petty, am I picking on the nickels and dimes. The answer to that question is an opinion of itself.
Before I close, I leave you with one more fact. The definition of rape according to Webster’s Dictionary is as follows; abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.
I presume your opinion of the situation dictates your choice of meaning to the term.
What do you call what’s being done to the citizens of New Albany?
Steve Price
Freedom of Speech would like to thank Councilman Steve Price for allowing us the opportunity to post the complete letter to John Tucker, Publisher of the Tribune.
Will Mr. Tucker have the guts to print it in its entirety?
Freedom Of Speech feels that the Tribune should be a bi-partisan newspaper. But apparently it is not. It is more like what Jimmy wants printed is what Jimmy gets printed!
And what Jimmy doesn't want printed doesn't get printed.
After all isn't Jimmy's way always the right way.
We would like to know what your personal agenda is Mr. Tucker? Oh yes that's right selling newspapers and making a profit. Right...
Since almost every article you "publish" are in total support of Mayor Garner and his Adminstration. You never print the complete truth nor the complete facts. And we would like to know why.
Your paper is doing a disservice to your customers, which are also the taxpayers and misleading them on the real issues.
Freedom Of Speech would like to know Mr. Tucker if your article: "They're leading the disarray (New Albany Council is at it again)"
1. Was it based on your own personal views, thoughts, or opinions?
2. Or was it based on the current Adminstrations instructions?
3. Or is it the position of the Tribune to evade the real issues and the cold hard truth or is it just trying to cover up his mistakes at the taxpayers expense?
Lord knows we all know about his mismanagement and wasteful spending antics. Where is the accountiability to the taxpayers and your readers Mr. Tucker?
And you Sir, do not speak for the majority of us, the taxpayers of New Albany in your newspaper!
Unlike the majority of the council, Councilman Steve Price is not a rubber stamp for this administration, but does work hard for the taxpayers of New Albany.
We need more Councilmen like Mr. Price who ask the tough questions, and has a common sense approach instead of being a "yes man" for the mayor.
Freedom of Speech along with Councilman Steve Price has received an overwhelming positive support in regards to his comments made at Monday night's (August 7th) council meeting.
We, the participants of Freedom Of Speech totally agree with the facts presented, the questions asked, and support the statements Councilman Price made.
It is our opinion based on our facts that this Mayor and his Adminstration are "raping the taxpayers" of New Albany!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
What if you had an emergency and called 911 and no one answered?
This is not a scenario that will likely happen in New Albany but it is something to think about.
There were several members of the Communications Department in attendance at the last City Council meeting and many spoke about their working conditions. These loyal employees work for long hours and not a lot of pay ($13.21 an hour). This may sound like a good salary until you compare this to the $20.00 per hour earned by the Communications workers in Clark County.
Why should Floyd County employees work for nearly $7.00 per hour less than people doing the identical job in our neighboring county?
The 911 Communications Supervisor Cathy Wicke was present at the Budget Meeting a few weeks ago and advised that their department voluntarily gave up their salary increase for this year. This was their decision for the good of the city.
Ms.Wicke additionally stated that she frequently works 2nd and 3rd shift to cover for absentee employees. This is to keep overtime costs down.
Could you visualize Mr. Garner making that kind of sacrifice?
Mayor Garner, you budgeted a 6% raise for yourself but then agree to reduce your raise to 3% which is the amount the rest of the City Employees were budgeted.
Do you realize the raise budgeted for the 911 Communication Workers still keeps them behind everyone else in salary? Their salary increase was based on their 2005 salary and everyone else's including yours was based on the 2006 salary.
Freedom of Speech believes you should follow the example of your 911 Communications Department and give up the salary increase you budgeted for yourself and others.
Would you do their job for $13.21 an hour?
And where do you get off Mr. Mayor saying to the 911 operators "you all just threw me under the bus." Well you Mr. Mayor. Now how does it feel to have tire tracks on your back!
You Sir, take good care of the New Albany Police and Fire Department. Now it's time to negotiate a fair contract with our 911 Communication Workers.
Freedom Of Speech supports the 911 operators.
And we also believe the 911 Communication Workers deserve a new and better contract which would provide wage increases and additional benfits to each employee.
We feel the 911 operators are worth every dollar we pay them and more for the hard work, long hours and quick decisions you operators make.
Freedom Of Speech and the many citizens of New Albany say "thank you" to the 911 Communication Workers for a job well done!
This is not a scenario that will likely happen in New Albany but it is something to think about.
There were several members of the Communications Department in attendance at the last City Council meeting and many spoke about their working conditions. These loyal employees work for long hours and not a lot of pay ($13.21 an hour). This may sound like a good salary until you compare this to the $20.00 per hour earned by the Communications workers in Clark County.
Why should Floyd County employees work for nearly $7.00 per hour less than people doing the identical job in our neighboring county?
The 911 Communications Supervisor Cathy Wicke was present at the Budget Meeting a few weeks ago and advised that their department voluntarily gave up their salary increase for this year. This was their decision for the good of the city.
Ms.Wicke additionally stated that she frequently works 2nd and 3rd shift to cover for absentee employees. This is to keep overtime costs down.
Could you visualize Mr. Garner making that kind of sacrifice?
Mayor Garner, you budgeted a 6% raise for yourself but then agree to reduce your raise to 3% which is the amount the rest of the City Employees were budgeted.
Do you realize the raise budgeted for the 911 Communication Workers still keeps them behind everyone else in salary? Their salary increase was based on their 2005 salary and everyone else's including yours was based on the 2006 salary.
Freedom of Speech believes you should follow the example of your 911 Communications Department and give up the salary increase you budgeted for yourself and others.
Would you do their job for $13.21 an hour?
And where do you get off Mr. Mayor saying to the 911 operators "you all just threw me under the bus." Well you Mr. Mayor. Now how does it feel to have tire tracks on your back!
You Sir, take good care of the New Albany Police and Fire Department. Now it's time to negotiate a fair contract with our 911 Communication Workers.
Freedom Of Speech supports the 911 operators.
And we also believe the 911 Communication Workers deserve a new and better contract which would provide wage increases and additional benfits to each employee.
We feel the 911 operators are worth every dollar we pay them and more for the hard work, long hours and quick decisions you operators make.
Freedom Of Speech and the many citizens of New Albany say "thank you" to the 911 Communication Workers for a job well done!
Monday, August 07, 2006
IC 35-45-10-1 "stalking" Defined.
Sec.1. As used in this chapter "stalk" means knowing or an intentional course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harrassment of another person that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, or threatened and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, or threaten.
* 1.4 million people are stalked every year in the United States.
* 1 in 12 women will be stalked in their lifetime.
* 77% of females know their stalker.
* 87% of stalkers are men.
* 81% of women stalked by a current or former intimate partner are also physically assaulted by that partner.
* 76 percent of women killed by their intimate partner were stalked by these partners before they were killed.
* The vast majority of stalking victims are ordinary people. Furthermore, most stalkers are not strangers, but are known by their victim.
* Stalking often begins during a relationship. Others begin stalking after the victim has ended the relationship, and the stalker feels desparate to maintain or regain control. Still others become fixated on a victim without ever having had any relationship with the person. All forms of stalking are unpredictable, and all should be considered dangerous.
* Although newly-developed technology enhances our lives, it can also empower stalkers. Cell phones, computers are just some of the technologies stalkers now use.
* Follow you and show up wherever you are.
* Send unwanted e-mails.
* Monitor your phone calls or computer use.
* Drive by or hang out at your home, or work.
* Threatens you, your family or friends.
* Finding out about you by using public records or on line search service, going through your garbage, or contacting friends, family, or neighbors.
* Other actions that control, track, or frightens you.
* You should always have a safe place to stay 24/7.
* Develop a safety plan.
* Trust your instincts. Don't downplay the danger. If you feel you are unsafe, you probably are.
* Take threats seriously. Danger generally is higher when a victim tries to leave or end the relationship.
* Keep evidence of the stalking.
* Keep all e-mails.
* Keep phone messages
* Have witness to write down what they saw.
An effective response to stalking includes, the entire community. Police, prosecutors, advocates, friends... everyone can and should play a part in stopping stalking.
Working together as a community, we can all help make victims safer. And to protect victims rights and privacy.
IC 35-45-10-1 "stalking" Defined.
Sec.1. As used in this chapter "stalk" means knowing or an intentional course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harrassment of another person that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, or threatened and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, or threaten.
* 1.4 million people are stalked every year in the United States.
* 1 in 12 women will be stalked in their lifetime.
* 77% of females know their stalker.
* 87% of stalkers are men.
* 81% of women stalked by a current or former intimate partner are also physically assaulted by that partner.
* 76 percent of women killed by their intimate partner were stalked by these partners before they were killed.
* The vast majority of stalking victims are ordinary people. Furthermore, most stalkers are not strangers, but are known by their victim.
* Stalking often begins during a relationship. Others begin stalking after the victim has ended the relationship, and the stalker feels desparate to maintain or regain control. Still others become fixated on a victim without ever having had any relationship with the person. All forms of stalking are unpredictable, and all should be considered dangerous.
* Although newly-developed technology enhances our lives, it can also empower stalkers. Cell phones, computers are just some of the technologies stalkers now use.
* Follow you and show up wherever you are.
* Send unwanted e-mails.
* Monitor your phone calls or computer use.
* Drive by or hang out at your home, or work.
* Threatens you, your family or friends.
* Finding out about you by using public records or on line search service, going through your garbage, or contacting friends, family, or neighbors.
* Other actions that control, track, or frightens you.
* You should always have a safe place to stay 24/7.
* Develop a safety plan.
* Trust your instincts. Don't downplay the danger. If you feel you are unsafe, you probably are.
* Take threats seriously. Danger generally is higher when a victim tries to leave or end the relationship.
* Keep evidence of the stalking.
* Keep all e-mails.
* Keep phone messages
* Have witness to write down what they saw.
An effective response to stalking includes, the entire community. Police, prosecutors, advocates, friends... everyone can and should play a part in stopping stalking.
Working together as a community, we can all help make victims safer. And to protect victims rights and privacy.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Hon. Douglas & Michelle England & Mr. John & Lynda Wilcox
Cordially invite you to attend a Reception & Fundraiser for the Floyd County Democratic Party.
Date: Thursday, August 24, 2006
Location: 1738 State Road 111
New Albany, Indiana 47150
Reception: 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
To RSVP, please call 944-1982
Hope to see you there Mr. Baylor. Be sure and bring your check book.
Cordially invite you to attend a Reception & Fundraiser for the Floyd County Democratic Party.
Date: Thursday, August 24, 2006
Location: 1738 State Road 111
New Albany, Indiana 47150
Reception: 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
To RSVP, please call 944-1982
Hope to see you there Mr. Baylor. Be sure and bring your check book.
Friday, August 04, 2006
There has been a lot of activity on the various blogs today regarding last night's City Council meeting.
A lot of "talk" but what did we really learn about the sewers last night? Alot... thanks to private citizen and taxpayer Valla Ann Bolovschak.
1. Apparently there are businesses which did not receive a sewer bill for several months.
2. There are approximately 430 households which did not receive a sewer bill either.
3. No one knows how many sewer bills were "forgiven".
4. No one knows why liens were not filed against homeowners who were seriously delinquent on their sewer bills.
* There is a light at the end of this tunnel because other bonds will be paid off next year, freeing up over $1,000,000 per year.
* Additionally we have more money in EDIT funds than we originally thought.
We here at Freedom of Speech do not claim to have the answers. We still have the same old problem of lack of communication between the Administration, taxpayers and the City Council. Even the Councilmen who sit on the Sewer Board did not have additional information.
More meetings are scheduled for the next two consecutive Wednesdays. What will happen? Who knows? All we can say is fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a very bumpy ride.
By the way Mr. Mayor it would really help us taxpayers out if you put all the money back you borrowed from the sewer department. And yes we heard what you said "it's not your fault" and the Garner blame game continues.
A lot of "talk" but what did we really learn about the sewers last night? Alot... thanks to private citizen and taxpayer Valla Ann Bolovschak.
1. Apparently there are businesses which did not receive a sewer bill for several months.
2. There are approximately 430 households which did not receive a sewer bill either.
3. No one knows how many sewer bills were "forgiven".
4. No one knows why liens were not filed against homeowners who were seriously delinquent on their sewer bills.
* There is a light at the end of this tunnel because other bonds will be paid off next year, freeing up over $1,000,000 per year.
* Additionally we have more money in EDIT funds than we originally thought.
We here at Freedom of Speech do not claim to have the answers. We still have the same old problem of lack of communication between the Administration, taxpayers and the City Council. Even the Councilmen who sit on the Sewer Board did not have additional information.
More meetings are scheduled for the next two consecutive Wednesdays. What will happen? Who knows? All we can say is fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a very bumpy ride.
By the way Mr. Mayor it would really help us taxpayers out if you put all the money back you borrowed from the sewer department. And yes we heard what you said "it's not your fault" and the Garner blame game continues.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Will our City Council members allow Mayor Garner to bankrupt our City? Or will our Council members take the prudent action and support the taxpayers? Will certain Council members have their city jobs threatened if they do not vote the way the Mayor wants?
Will our Council members keep their campaign Promises they made, unlike Mayor Garner? Will Councilman Kochert and Councilman Seabrook be pressured by the Mayor, knowing possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars have been borrowed from the Sewer Utility and not paid back?
Will the Council give in and be pressured to vote yes on the first reading? So Mr. Fifer can go before the state revolving loan board and tell them that this was a good faith vote?
Why does it seem the only solution is to borrow money? Why can't this administration come up with better answers than keep going into debt? Our problems need to be fixed. Where is the ACCOUNTABILITY? This has been going on long enough and needs to be fixed NOW!
Candidate Garner promised to put an end to "politics as usual". Did he again forget his promise? But then he has not kept his other promises either, so why should we think he will keep any now? Jimmy refuses to COMPROMISE, he refuses to tell the taxpayers the TRUTH. Everything is a "do or die" situation. Why are we paying advisors if they don't give us options.
As a matter of fact, what good has Jimmy brought to the table.
What does he have to hide? And what does he have to gain?
The taxpayers are being raped by this administration. Don't the Council members have the guts or courage to stand up to "Jimmy" and say NO, we are not going to be bullied any more? We are going to find a solution without further burdening the taxpayers.
What part of the word "broke" does Mayor Garner not understand? All he can think of is spend and borrow, spend and borrow. And never worry about paying it back. Maybe he wants to leave that little problem to his successor.
Will Councilman Seabrook be willing to sacrifice his bid for the Commissioners' spot?
Will Councilman Messer continue to have a spend money to make money attitude?
Will President Gahan show his true colors to the Mayor, being the coward that he is?
Will Councilman Blevins even show up during a time of crisis vote?
We know how Council member Crump will support whatever the Mayor wants, this is shown in her voting record.
Why should the taxpayers of New Albany continue to pay for the mistakes of this Administration? We are tired of the 11th hour demands for action by the Mayor. He knows these situations do exist but waits until the very last minute to strong arm our Council Members. His decisions champion his own agenda. Why should we expect him to do the right thing now?
The taxpayers of New Albany deserve facts and not excuses. We deserve the truth and no more lies. We want solutions to our Sewer Utility problems NOW!
Again Jimmy & Fifer have taken away our options.
We are sick and tired of being told "It's only a few more dollars a month". The real issue is that we have already spent 44 million dollars and the Sewer Utility is still not fixed.
All we get from this Administration is promises made and promises broken.
The participants of Freedom of Speech feel that Mayor James Garner is not COMPETENT to run our City and handle our finances, nor look out for the best interest of the taxpayers, and he should RESIGN!
Will our Council members keep their campaign Promises they made, unlike Mayor Garner? Will Councilman Kochert and Councilman Seabrook be pressured by the Mayor, knowing possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars have been borrowed from the Sewer Utility and not paid back?
Will the Council give in and be pressured to vote yes on the first reading? So Mr. Fifer can go before the state revolving loan board and tell them that this was a good faith vote?
Why does it seem the only solution is to borrow money? Why can't this administration come up with better answers than keep going into debt? Our problems need to be fixed. Where is the ACCOUNTABILITY? This has been going on long enough and needs to be fixed NOW!
Candidate Garner promised to put an end to "politics as usual". Did he again forget his promise? But then he has not kept his other promises either, so why should we think he will keep any now? Jimmy refuses to COMPROMISE, he refuses to tell the taxpayers the TRUTH. Everything is a "do or die" situation. Why are we paying advisors if they don't give us options.
As a matter of fact, what good has Jimmy brought to the table.
What does he have to hide? And what does he have to gain?
The taxpayers are being raped by this administration. Don't the Council members have the guts or courage to stand up to "Jimmy" and say NO, we are not going to be bullied any more? We are going to find a solution without further burdening the taxpayers.
What part of the word "broke" does Mayor Garner not understand? All he can think of is spend and borrow, spend and borrow. And never worry about paying it back. Maybe he wants to leave that little problem to his successor.
Will Councilman Seabrook be willing to sacrifice his bid for the Commissioners' spot?
Will Councilman Messer continue to have a spend money to make money attitude?
Will President Gahan show his true colors to the Mayor, being the coward that he is?
Will Councilman Blevins even show up during a time of crisis vote?
We know how Council member Crump will support whatever the Mayor wants, this is shown in her voting record.
Why should the taxpayers of New Albany continue to pay for the mistakes of this Administration? We are tired of the 11th hour demands for action by the Mayor. He knows these situations do exist but waits until the very last minute to strong arm our Council Members. His decisions champion his own agenda. Why should we expect him to do the right thing now?
The taxpayers of New Albany deserve facts and not excuses. We deserve the truth and no more lies. We want solutions to our Sewer Utility problems NOW!
Again Jimmy & Fifer have taken away our options.
We are sick and tired of being told "It's only a few more dollars a month". The real issue is that we have already spent 44 million dollars and the Sewer Utility is still not fixed.
All we get from this Administration is promises made and promises broken.
The participants of Freedom of Speech feel that Mayor James Garner is not COMPETENT to run our City and handle our finances, nor look out for the best interest of the taxpayers, and he should RESIGN!
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