Sunday, June 03, 2007


Seems like Freedom of Speech has ruffled a few feathers on the 3rd Floor of City Hall...

Great! Were flattered Jimmy that you and your staff have been enjoying our articles. Facts are stronger than opinions...Right!

With just 211 days left in the Garner's Adminstration, time is running out. On the other hand, that is a good thing - less time for more bad decisions.

Most citizens of New Albany feel alienated from our local government and have little or no confidence in its ability to resolve problems.

However, it is very difficult sometimes to find the right way to bring these important issues forward.

The majority of the Council and most department heads do not "get it."

We as taxpayers have had enough!

Case in point-Ruling: New Albany must hire 4

City Attorney Shane Gibson said, the administration is "not pleased" with the outcome(city lost). Filling the four vancanies as ordered would cost about $200,000, and city officials are investigating whether the budget would support the hiring without laying off other employees.

Source: New Albany Tribune, May 30, 2007

What budget are you talking about City Attorney Gibson? The 2007 City Budget that DLGF has not even approved.

Give us a break...Shane, how stupid do you really think taxpayers are?

Why don't you just cut the crap...with your smoke and mirror scenario, and think like us, "outside the box."

Freedom of Speech believes for every problem New Albany has, there is a solution.

We all put our Economic heads together and came up with the "right solution" for our $200,000 to hire back those 4 employees.

And guess what Jimmy and City Atty. Gibson:

* No layoffs

* No cost to taxpayers

Apply the following Salaries:

Anthony Toran..........................$40,905.28

Toran-Pres. Flood Control Board - $1,600.00

Adam Dickey.............................$32,067.36

Paul Wheatley...........................$36,360.22

4 over-paid Fireman..................$23,612.00

3 over-paid Police Officers.........$24,499.00

One Southern Indiana...............$46,000.00


Benefits on these salaries would also be a savings to taxpayers.

There is current discussion about Fire Chief Ron Toran moving his other son, Anthony B. Toran from City Operation Director into the Fire Department as a new Arson Investigator.

Source: New Albany Fire Department

Freedom of Speech would like to ask how long this position has been open? Are there other Fire Department Staff Members who are better qualified?

Wheatley will be assuming his role with One Southern Indiana June 18, 2007.

The 2006 Audit noted the over payment of 4-Fire Department employees at $23,612.00 and 3-Police Department employees at $24,499.00.

The repayment of $48,111.00 by these 7 employees will be a big help in hiring back the employees as ordered by the arbitrator.

One Southern Indiana is requesting a big chunk of money at a time when we may be faced with laying off city staff.

Additional savings would be the cost to train and certify Tony B.Toran as a new Arson Investigator.

Freedom of Speech would like to say these problems New Albany has isn't a Democrat problem, and it isn't a Republican problem, it is a problem we as taxpayers are going to have to deal with.

Mayor James Garner put short term political consideration ahead of long-term fiscal discipline, and he owes the citizens, his neighbors an explanation and an apology."

How's that resume comin' along Jimmy?