Thursday, May 31, 2007


Travel Claims

In some instances employees were reimbursed for travel expenses without orginal receipts being attached to the claim.

Supporting documentation such as receipts, cancelled checks, tickets, invoices, bills, contracts, and other public records must be availiable for audit to provide supporting information for the validity and accountability of monies disbursed.

Source: 2006 Annual Financial Report
City of New Albany

Payments without supporting documentation may be the personal obligation of the responsible officials or employee.

Source: Accounting and Uniform Compliance Guidelines Manual for Cities and Towns, Chapter 7.

An update:

Based on Freedom of Speech's research, and the monthly financial reports of 2006, Mayor Garner never was in Indianapolis to save the $23 million dollar Greenway Project as he stated.

Our information shows our mayor was only there to pick up the check and again try to take all the credit from citizen advocate and Greenway Board Member Valla Ann Bolovchak.

Thank god...for gas receipts.

Source: 2006 Monthly Financial Report

Freedom of Speech would like to say, since the Board of Works approves these claims. "And we all know they don't even look at them", not only should the officials or employee be accountable, so should the Board of Works members be held responsible.

Freedom of Speech also feels it is time for the Board of Works to relinquish their authority in approving any and all claims...

It is what it is... New Albany taxpayers!

A special footnote: We would also like to THANK Roger Baylor of NA Confidential for being a regular visitor and reader of Freedom of Speech.

This tells us, we are making a difference in New Albany!