Friday, February 16, 2007


An adequante revenue stream is vital to a municipality's ability to provide services that citizens expect. While revenue sources are vitally important to the health of a municipality, there are also many other factors that can affect a financial situation.

Auto Excise Totals................ -16.60%
CCI Fund Totals.................... -47.07%
Cigarette Tax........................ -46.93%
CVET Totals............................-6.55%
FIT Totals............................ -20.32%
Liquor Excise Totals............. -63.76%
Liquor Gallonage Totals....... -10.85%
Local Road and Street Totals -62.68%
MVH Totals........................... -6.79%


Department of Local Government Finance

Due again to these significant cost pressures, municipal budgets are being strained. To deal with the increasing cost of government 60% of municipalities reported a decrease in their cash reserves.

Freedom of Speech would like to say: we need to keep an eye on our nickels and dimes until the state approves our 2006 Budget!