Friday, November 17, 2006


There was an article in the Tribune 11/9/06 concerning high school students and their concern with safe places to hang out with their friends. LeeAnn Wiseheart, School Board Member and mother of one of the students has offered to help these young people make this happen.

These teens have started a youth summit, they are coming up with ideas for a building with a pool, a gym, a coffee shop and various other safe places.

Freedom of Speech believes this is a wonderful idea. Our teenagers have been overlooked for a long time. As the population ages many people are understandibly concerned about their future, hence the new assisted living complex on Graybook lane for instance. But these young people are our future and they need to learn to make decisions about New Albany since they will be the ones in control of the Administration, and City Council one day.

Let's all support Mrs. Wiseheart and the students with our ideas, our labor and our financial support. Many of us are parents ourselves and have teenagers currently or will have teenaged children or grandchildren.

Let's protect those we love the most.