Monday, April 03, 2006



Feburary 21, 2006

The Honorable James E. Garner
Mayor & Sewer Board President
City of New Albany
311 Hauss Square
New Albany, Indiana 47150

Honorable Mayor Garner,

A new Stormwater Board will oversee and implement the provisions of New Albany's Stormwater Program and associated user fees. Concern has been expressed by the Mayor and Common Council regarding initial constitution of the Board. The purpose of this document is to provide data for that decision.

The City has several enabling authority alternatives including the provisions of IC 8-1.5-5, IC 36-9-23 and IC 36-9-25. The table below briefly outlines the provisions available to establish a Stormwater Board.

IC 8-1.5-5
Department of Stormwater Management

3 Member Board
Mayor appoints Board Members
Requirement- No more than two of the same Political Party.
Compensation- No Compensation

IC 36-9-25
Sanitation Department in Certain Cities

3 to 5 Members
Mayor appoints Directors
Board Members Receive Compensation

IC 36-9-23
Municipal Sewage Works

3 Members
Mayor is Chairman
Council selects other 2 Board Members.
One member must be a Professional Engineer.
Board Members Receive Compensation

Treasurer can be Non-Member (will receive compensation)
Secretary can be Non-Member (will receive compensation)

Freedom Of Speech feels Taxpayers can not afford to pay salaries for a Stormwater Board. And Mr. Mayor you need to stop misleading the Council and the Citizens of New Albany with only one option for the Stormwater Board. You also need to stop thinking about another salary for yourself and others and start thinking about the Citizens wallet instead of your own!