Dear Floyd County Democrat Precinct, Vice and Central Committee members all (and citizens of New Albany)
Tom Cannon announced his candidacy and start-up for re-election to New Albany Township Trustee earlier this year from the steps of the residence where Tom grew up at 1203 East Spring Street. His campaign announcement was written in the very room at the same desk where Cannon and his three brothers, studied school work and learned family values in the inner city of New Albany. It was natural for Cannon to make this announcement from the home his family has owned for nearly sixty years. Tom's roots in the inner city energize him and he gets comfort from the old house. Cannon's, values learned in this home, studying at this desk play an important role in Toms decision to continue as a public servant. Some say the values such as honesty, frugality, and hard work are old fashioned but Cannon believes these high standards are just what government needs to work fairly for all citizens.
By relying on these values, those values we all share, Cannon says, "the Township has been able to accomplish great strides in progressive Township Government."
Tom also said; "I work excellently with State and County organizations that serve the individuals needing temporary relief from homelessness, or disconnected vital utilities. "Within the Township, the Trustee Office provides other indigent services in conjuction with several other local agencies.
Cannon and your Township staff and some Board members regularly attend Township Seminars across the State to keep Floyd County residence informed of progressive laws and new technology.
Cannon has study business law at Indiana University including two college accredited accounting classes, a two year business college and he recently completed the State Board of Accounts Budget Seminar held in Indianapolis.
Cannon has instituted a multi-taking Trustee's office for all employees. Keeping salaries at a lower yearly budget amount than when he took office twelve years ago. Tom Cannon has not budgeted himself a raise since he was last sworn into office in 2002. This demonstrates his ability to stream line Township budgets and to hold down cost to the tax payer.
Cannon, working with the volunteers of Indiana Pioneer Cemeteries Restoration Project, has a compiled list of nearly one hundred cemetary sights in New Albany Township. The Township has set 36 headstones on unmarked graves in 2005 alone. With the help of volunteers and archeological scientists the Township has done continuous restoration in cemetary care. The New Albany Township received the "Indiana Township of the Year Award" in recognition of Cannon's dedicated cemetary care and restoration.
With leadership from the Indiana Township Association and the Indiana State Fire Marshals Office, New Albany Township has stayed within the budget and purchased new township fire equipment and new township fire houses without raising fire tax dollars.
Cannon says, he respects all the Floyd County Trustees and Board members and is looking forward to working with them in the future.
Cannon attends church and has served as a choir member regularly for nearly twenty years. Tom also serves as a member of several local community and civic organizations.
Cannon's announcement ended with a pledge to continue to serve the needs of the public with compassion and a promise to provide an understanding and considerate approach to solving the problems of people asking for assistance through the New Albany Township Trustee.
Today, Tom is asking for your total support in the 2006 primary.
Your Township Trustee, Tom Cannon