Saturday, January 28, 2006


The people who had their park taken away are going to appeal.

If Randy Smith would like to "really know" why these people are against having their park taken from them, as he has stated on his VH blog, he needs to read the following information:

1. Becky Gardenour gave a speech at the City Council meeting explaining their stance.
2. The speech was broadcast on WNAS about 8 times.
3. Becky also gave a speech at the Planning Commission giving their reasons.
4. They also had a three hour hearing with the Planning Commission giving their reasons.
5. They also had a 1-2 hour hearing with the BZA giving their stance.
6. They also had two letters to the editor giving their stance.
7. There have been numerous newspaper articles which have reflected the nature of their position.
8. The hearing was open to the public and many people attended to find out what their stance was.
9. Also Randy could have questioned Becky Gardenour about what their stance is when she was in his book store recently.

Curious minds want to know, Randy:

1. Why don't you just ask Becky what her stance is?
2. Where is the book Becky ask you to order over two weeks ago?
3. How much money has Valla Ann spent at your store?
4. And Randy how much money have you spent at the Admiral Bicknell Inn Bed and Breakfast lately?
5. Valla Ann Bolovschak and Becky Gardenour have done nothing but be courteous to you, so why are you so rude to both of them?

"Never mind. We already know the answers to all these questions."