Monday, July 25, 2011


Part 3B-Disbursements of our General Fund:

Dept. Controller ............$122,205.80

Dept. Clerk.....................$77,927.05

Dept. Mayor...................$123,119.16

Dept. City Council..........$121,324.02

Dept. Police...................$6,481,073.57

Dept. Fire......................$7,805,238.81

Dept. Merit Board.........$31,521.36

Board Of
Public Works................$946,854.89

Dept. Planning

Dept. City Attorney........$103,553.18

Dept. Communications..$794,903.01

Dept. Weights &
Measured Inspector......$23,272.50

Building Dept..............$151,817.72

Cemetery Dept.#1........$147,145.89

Cemetery Dept. #2.......$38,494.65

Dept. Animal Control..$395,202.66

Dept. Unappropriated
Total: Do the Math Taxpayers

Source:Department Of Local Government


1.) When did the Council APPROVE the Department of Unappropriated Funds?

2.) What about the Code Enforcement Department? Why is this NOT listed?

3.) Is the Department of Unappropriated Funds, England's new "slush fund?"

In the News and Tribune dates February 18, 2011 it states: The 2010 budget was also "about $15.8 million", yet the city incurred about a $1.8 shortfall.

Do the math taxpayers: = $14.8 million

Total from the above Departments:

2010 Budget - $15,778,651.80
Personal Service - $377,081.48
Other Services & Charges - $1,436,843.47
Capital Outlay - $0.00
Other Disbursements - $0.00
Transfer of Funds - $0.00
Purchase of Investments - $0.00

2010 Budget - $15,778,651.80
Total spent - $19,092,576.

Department omitted from this report:

* Code Enforcement Department

Our final thoughts: Mayor England stated in a recent News and Tribune article, it's time to move on and put this all behind us!

Yell, RIGHT, Mr. Mayor, you wish!

Again we state: Our city is in a big financial mess thanks to Kay Garry, and Mayor England.

Let's not forget the new contract between Mayor England and City Attorney Shane Gibson. $50,000 salary, plus billable hours for all legal work and Council meetings. City credit card for meals, drinks and expenses. Plus commission on all bonds and etc.

What a sweetheart deal you got...Mr. Gibson!

Is this the CHANGE Doug England promised when he ran for Mayor?

Do you taxpayers really want Doug England sitting on our council in 2012?

A VOTE for Doug England, is a VOTE for Carl Malysz, Shane Gibson, Kay Garry, John Rosenbarger, Scott Woods and Mickey Thompson, as always to continue "raping the taxpayers" of the City of New Albany!