Monday, August 31, 2009
Why NOT jobs in the USA instead of China?
Not bad, for a company who recently filed bankruptcy.
You think!?!
We guess communists need to stick together, or is this another case of NO pressure being exerted?
Just think, it's only 2 billion yuan!
Does that make us taxpayers the new 50/50 owners with major Chinese automaker FAW Group?
We think we might re-ignite our attempt to learn chinese by giving "Rosetta Stone" another try.
Hook us up Biggs!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
One does not have to agree with everything Ted Kennedy stood for to recognize his commitment and his uncanny ability to get bills passed.
May God bless his soul, may he finally rest in peace!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ahhhh...but it feels good to know our tax dollars are paying for Obama to frolick on vacation.
While Obama is there, he should go to Chappaquiddick with Ted [but don't let Teddy drive!].
Anything can happen...
Mark Foley could show up, then there's that bridge to nowhere that Teddy discovered!
Obama leaves town and Holder goes to town - let's see we're now establishing Obama KGB and we're going to release all the files we can find on the CIA. But why do we need the CIA or the FBI for that matter when his Royal CZAR in Chief now has his own personal KGB?
It's almost like Obama is trying to distance himself from the vindictive leaks, smears, threats or lawsuits, intimidation, undermining of national security.
Well, it ain't working, we're onto your tactics.
Maybe with all his free time he ought to read his health care bill instead of novels, and after he reads it, sit down for about four days with 6 or 7 lawyers, so they can explain it "to him" and "to us" without any spin.
Yep, just regular folks those Obama's.
Don't know to many regulars who vacation at Martha's Vineyard. But, [The Hampton's might be a whole different story!] Glad to see he is relaxing as he is in for one heck of a bad ride the remainder of the year. Can't wait until they bring back the illegal immigrant amnesty bill.
If Obama thinks Healthcare reform fired up the mobs, wait until they try to legalize 12 million law breakers.
We wonder what Stinky's handicap is?
Maybe when Obama gets back from vacation he can get Frank Lay and Robert Freeman, pardoned for saying "a little prayer before eating!"
Obama quoted scripture last week so surely he will be sympathetic to Frank and Robert's cause.
So, President Obama, thank you for destroying our economy in only 7 months with the bogus 876 billion dollar stimulus plan. Thanks for your 3 trillion dollar healthcare plan. Thanks for your Crap and Tax bill that will destroy the entire coal industry and cause electric utility costs to "sky rocket" as you once said.
But hey, take another vacation while middle class Americans worry when you will start to tax us to death to pay your idiotic wealth redistribution plans!
So have a great vacation, President Obama, you will be seeing all of us in Washington D.C. on September 12, 2009, for the March on Washington!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The end of a "PERFECT PROGRAM"...AHHHH, sure feels warm and fuzzy.
To all of you out there who could NOT qualify for the C4C program, just wait. Within 6 months 9 at the most there will be a huge influx of REPOS on the market from folks who had NO business buying a NEW CAR to begin with (sound familiar).
Why do you suppose these people had 8,10, or 14 year old vehicles?
Maybe because they were paid for, and that is all they could afford.
Since C4C was forced in us it's too bad they didn't give the whole "recycling process" some better thought:
1. Most people that are buying the new vehicles could have bought them without the $4500. (The money just got them to go ahead and purchase now.)
2. Most of the cars traded in were not that old and still ran well.
3. The people with the cars that really needed to be replaced couldn't qualify for the financing.
Therefore, if we just couldn't avoid this thing then how about the following scenarios instead of crushing reasonably reliable transportation.
The cars traded in that were in good running condition, regardless of the fuel efficiency, should have been made available to the people with the "real clunkers" that couldn't qualify for the C4C program.
These vehicles could have been offered "for free" on a straight across trade of their "clunker" for a better car.
This would have then insured that only the worst vehicles would have been the ones being crushed.
All this has accomplished is to cause the prices for used cars to go up because of the cars being traded is not going into the used car market.
Anyone else think this would have made more sense?
Alas, common sense is not a D.C. value!
Just think...
Obamacare will work the same way, trade in your old Dialysis machine for a more efficient model. Oops! Out of money!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Balance Sheet Detail
As of June 30, 2009
Current Assets
Checking /Savings
PNC Account............................$6,680.00
BB&T Checking.........................$301.00
Check @ National City...............$78.00
Construction @Nat City.............$156.00
Community Bank chkg..............$33.00
Money Market@ Nat City...........$28.00
Nat City Limited Partnership.....$70.00
Other Current Assets
Non-recoverable costs............. -$1,500,708.00
Allowance for uncollectable.... -$4,160.00
CHDO Loan 232 Green St..........$7,392.00
CHDO Loan 240 Green Sr.........$7,681.00
Total CHDO Loan......................$10,913.00
Construction in Progress
Linden Meadows
Donated houses........................$1,541,000.00
Land Acquistion.......................$1.00
Housing Relocation Expenses
House Storage Fee...................$210,110.00
Utility Relocation Fee...............$60,852.00
House Preparation...................$27,030.00
House Relocation.....................$260,688.00
Total House Relocation
HVAC Insulation.....................$20,950.00
General Rehab.........................$93,250.00
Site Work.................................$331,585.00
Contract Labor........................$6,128.00
Total Construction...................$742,701.00
Soft Costs
Professional Termite
Total Professional.................$31,368.00
Bank & Loan Fees
Construction Interest............$171,579.00
Bank Fees..............................$13,533.00
Bank & Loan Fees - others.....$367.00
Total Bank & Loan Fees.........$185,499.00
Misc. & Gvt fees
Total Misc & Gvt Fees.........$1,875.00
Other Costs
Project Manager................$80,000
Total Other Costs..............$99,630.00
Linden Meadows -Other. -$200.00
Freedom of Speech would like to KNOW, "did they cook the books" on the Linden Meadows Project?
With these figures, it's obvious, there were serious issues!
After reviewing the New Albany Community Housing Balance sheet above, questions and red flags continue to pop up.
For well over three years, proponents of Linden Meadows have spread false rumors and even more lies.
It does appear that some members of our community have lifted a few too many pints of progressive ale and was on the wrong side of this project.
While claiming to be advocates for low-income housing, CHDO received a blanket approval for the entire subdivision in violation of the 60' variance ordinance.
Director John Miller claimed he had a waiting list of well over 200 families ready to qualify and move in.
Was that another lie?
He anticipated $75 million in federal funding. But requested free tap in fees, and tax abatement's for Linden Meadows.
Was that another lie?
Smart growth?
It is a no brainer that it is crucial to keep green spaces in our inner city. Howard McLean Park was one of those.
Please tell us again why those houses weren't put at Valley View on several lots along Linden Street owned by the city. All 23 houses could have been moved there, remodeled and sold by now.
We lift our own glass to the neighbors and the Fawcett Family on their battle of protecting property rights!
To the citizens who continue to maliciously try to blame and persuade our community, that it was about something else, shame on YOU!
Our final question is: "where did all that money go?"
Thank God... HUD of Indianapolis and Washington DC, is looking into Linden Meadows and Redevelopment of New Albany.
It's time to cut our losses and TEAR them down!
Friday, August 21, 2009
BUT, until that happened, everyone involved in providing health care in that co-op would work for the government.
That includes doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, nurses, nursing homes and etc. They would hire, fire, set wages, set rates, premiums and etc.
We've done research, and we can't find anywhere that it's been done on a large scale, more than about 500,000 people. People who got their health care through the co-op would have no choices other than those care providers employed by the co-op, and that could be a non-started for huge areas of the country.
The Co-ops are just another way around public option which is another way around single payer - which is the way to "government take over."
When we see something that doesn't involve "Federal Funding" which means "Government Control - take over" just like the banks and the Auto Industry - then maybe we will start to believe they have our best interests at heart!
Before we go down the "co-op" road, why is it the state restrictions on purchasing health insurance cannot be lifted?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
We feel local government should be forced to "make do with less."
The easiest way to cut spending is to root out waste.
* Departments need to be better managed and reduce costs
* Department heads and the England Administration should be held accountable to taxpayers for their wasteful spending and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars
* Excessive use of cell phones, over time and take-home cars are costing the citizens a bundle
* Catering to developers for political favors and downtown business is flat wrong
* Departments should provide high quality and cost effective services
Why has borrowing become an option for closing budget gaps of wasteful spending?
Our city budget should only fund the public highest priorities. Budget decisions should be based on evidence that citizens are getting their money's worth.
Money should be shifted only to the real needs not wants of any particular party or group.
Just like responsible families, council members should create a fund-setting aside money in case of a city emergency.
We feel that certain departments and boards should be eliminated. For example, the Sewer Board, Stormwater Board, Billing Department and the Board of Works.
Some costs in these departments are duplicated. For example, attorneys, secretaries, computer technology and staff.
It is time the elected officials start running our city like a business.
It is time you make the hard decisions Council members!
Improving the quality of the budget process and the management of public money is not a Democrat or Republican issue.
Fiscal responsibility is the common ground where right thinking and good common sense can make local government work better.
We need to stop the frivolous spending and get back to basics.
A commitment to addressing these problems now, is the first test of fiscal responsibility.
Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.
~Gustave Flaubert
Sunday, August 16, 2009
June 30, 2009
Current Assets
PNC Account..............................$6,680.00
BB&T Checking..........................$301.00
Check @ National City................$78.00
Construction @ National City......$156.00
Community Bank chkg...............$33.00
Money Market @
National Bank...........................$28.00
National City Limited
Total Checking/Savings............$7,346.00
* Other Current Assets
non-recoverable costs.............-$1,500,708.00
CHDO Loan...........................$10,913.00
* Construction in Progress.......$3,311,220.00
Total Other Current Assets......$1,821,425.00
Total Current Assets...............$1,828,771.00
Fixed Assets
Equipment............................ $93.00
Total Fixed Assets..................$93.00
Total Assets...........................$1,828,864.00
Current Liabilities
Other current Liabilities
UEZ Credit Line.....................$7,900
Payroll Liabilities..................$6,667
Project Liabilities..................$1,831,657
Total Other Current
Total Liabilities....................$1,846,224
Opening Bal. Equity............-$7,412.00
Retained Earnings..............-$15,035.00
Net Income........................ $5,512.00
TOTAL EQUITY.................-$17,359.00
& EQUITY..........................$1,828,865
Freedom Of Speech would like to ask, "have they cooked the books" on Linden Meadows Project?
After reviewing the CHDO Financial Report above, questions and red flags popped up.
* Construction in Progress - $3,311,220
There appears to be "NO" construction in progress right now [we suggest you ride over and see for yourself].
Who made the appraisal that $3,311,220.00 construction is in progress?
Are the questions we have listed on CHDO's Balance Sheet Summary the concerns that prompted the current "federal investigation" of the New Albany CHDO?
Is it true Ted Fulmore, CHDO Vice President and John Miller, CHDO Director have resigned?
We think it is not RIGHT that the CHDO Board and the City of New Albany are trying to place blame for the failure of the Linden Meadows Project on the neighbors who fought for their ball park.
"Shame on each one of You CHDO members, and everyone CONNECTED with this Project!"
What we've always wanted to know is "how in the hell they've gotten away with as much as they have and all they have" all these years?
One final question: Where did all the Bank money, HUD money and Redevelopment money go?
footnote: Questionable Practices: Follow the Money - Part 2, next week.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What was it Baron Hill called us protesters? Political Terrorist?
We sure hope it isn't true he plans to run for Indiana Governor, because this is one group of "political terrorist voters" he will NEVER get!
"This is the worst sort of slap in the face an elected official can give his constituents and he owes an apology to the people of the 9th congressional district!"
What the hell are you afraid of Baron?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
We wish you and your family the best.
That said, as a group who called for you to NOT be confirmed.
We hope you keep in mind your oath.
Some of your other predecessors have conveniently forgotten their oath when they see fit.
We hope you will do better, so help you GOD!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
The most alarming aspect of this ominous situation is that the government is now openly advocating "self censorship" through intimidation tatics.
As soon as we viewed the White House posting of the video rebuttal to the Drudge Report quotation clip - we saw our duty as an American and we did it.
They wanted to know who was spreading crazy, false and fishy statements about the Health Insurance Bill:
So we told 'em, by Jeezus!
We used that there very same e-mail address under the old blond lady's video message box.
[My GOD she's lookin' tough since her reportin' days. Y'uh think, maybe she had an industrial accident at the plastic surgeon's office, like Nancy Pelosi?]
Anyway that's what we did. We put our heads together with our staff members. Yep - we did send that snitchin' e-mail.
Why? I'll tell y'uh why!
My Great Grandfather taught me, he said, "Yuh know - when some weasel ask you to snitch on your friends - you just go right ahead and do it, dammit. Especially if there's a bounty involved - and make sure you check to see if there is one first.
"If y'uh gonna sell someone down the river to the weasels, you oughtta make something on the deal. Right?" Yup. That's what he said.
Forty years later, we had that very same discussion.
An' he went on:
"Y'uh see, Master Erik, he said, them weasels who'll ask you to turn in your friends are a very rare species and you know we've gotta protect those rare and endangered species - "specially them weasels."
And his last words on the topic were "Erik - the world needs weasels, but you can't always get new friends." So, snitch on the weasels, and not on your friends!
Words to live by, don't y'uh think?
So we snitched at:
We cut loose with everything we knew. [Believe us, we know a lot!] If we'd known where the "missiles" were, We'd told 'em that too!
We was discrete, we didn't use names, but gave addresses.
But we did tell them virtually all the misinformation we was hearing could be traced back to an address we had been able to determine as: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C.
[Yes - we do have a name of the guy whose lyin' like a rug.]
But we just can't go that far an' tell y'all.
We thought we'd done our duty by at least taking our time to find out the Dude's address and believe us...locating his home ain't easy.
That sob doesn't seem to sleep in the same bed two nights in a row. We went thru' hell finding where he permanently hangs his hat.
This guy hops on more beds than a prosti-toad.
Anyway, we trace him an' one night he's in Chicago, another night in New York, Paris, London, Cairo, Washington and then we got nailed with my brother-in-law. He says "Pennsylvania Avenue ain't even permanent. Didn't you know?"
He says, that sob isn't even a natural Citizens of the United States.
Any of you who haven't got the guts to snitch - shame on you!
You know where the lies is comin' from. Come on - you know just like we know. We bet he's told you the same bullshit in a big speech on TV.
What about Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd and good ole' Baron Hill of Indiana.
For those five, democracy appears to be a distraction.
So - all right maybe it's not that big a secret.
But the crazy and fishy lies is comin' from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., 223 Cannon House Office Bld. and 131 Russell Senate Office Building in Washington.
We just wasn't afraid to write it and e-mail it to them.
Loyal Patriots of the
United States of America
footnote: What does the Constitution say about Obama's snitch gate?
According to 5 U.S.C.552a, United States agencies, including the Executive Office of the President shall, "maintain no record describing how any individual exercises rights guaranteed by the First Amendment unless expressly authorized by statute or by the individual about whom the record is maintained or unless pertinent to and within the scope of an authorized law enforcement activity."
So the snitch list appears to be unlawful. That is, until Obama "abolishes the 1st Amendment!"
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
This story reminds us. of his trip to Vietnam ten years ago.
He is REALLY a great man who did many things for our country and for a more peaceful world!
We hope that the same results can be achieved for the three young people taken captive by the Iranians.
We haven't heard anything about negotiations for their release.
Maybe Hillary and Bill can do the same for them.
This is Hillary and Bill at their finest, and this has all the earmarks of a 2012 run for first female President.
You betcha!
Hey Bill, how about now going to Obama and put some sense into him about what he is doing to us Americans...