Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It is clear that good local government does not run itself--it must be managed. And nowhere does this responsibility fall more heavily than on our elected public officials.

We feel local government should be forced to "make do with less."

The easiest way to cut spending is to root out waste.

* Departments need to be better managed and reduce costs

* Department heads and the England Administration should be held accountable to taxpayers for their wasteful spending and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars

* Excessive use of cell phones, over time and take-home cars are costing the citizens a bundle

* Catering to developers for political favors and downtown business is flat wrong

* Departments should provide high quality and cost effective services

Why has borrowing become an option for closing budget gaps of wasteful spending?

Our city budget should only fund the public highest priorities. Budget decisions should be based on evidence that citizens are getting their money's worth.

Money should be shifted only to the real needs not wants of any particular party or group.

Just like responsible families, council members should create a fund-setting aside money in case of a city emergency.

We feel that certain departments and boards should be eliminated. For example, the Sewer Board, Stormwater Board, Billing Department and the Board of Works.

Some costs in these departments are duplicated. For example, attorneys, secretaries, computer technology and staff.

It is time the elected officials start running our city like a business.

It is time you make the hard decisions Council members!

Improving the quality of the budget process and the management of public money is not a Democrat or Republican issue.

Fiscal responsibility is the common ground where right thinking and good common sense can make local government work better.

We need to stop the frivolous spending and get back to basics.

A commitment to addressing these problems now, is the first test of fiscal responsibility.

Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.
~Gustave Flaubert