Saturday, June 30, 2007
Yet with all the tough issues facing our council and taxpayers, police officers still find time to climb atop their respective soapboxes and start flailing away at the three New Albany City Council members scrutinize use of city vehicles!
Source: New Albany Tribune~June 26, 2007
End of story? not so fast...
Back in August 18, 2004 Councilman Larry Kochert said the council will discuss the take home car policy and the city can save money in that area. "The whole thing needs to be looked at," Kochert stated. "We've got to look at cost-cutting."
City Councilman Jack Messer, who is also a NAPD officer, said he is not against the take-home program, but agrees with Kochert that those who live outside the city should not take the cars home.
Source: New Albany Tribune~August 18, 2004
Freedom of Speech see's 3 problems here:
* Council members want Police Officers to pay more.
History: The original take-home car policy-which has been in effect for more than 20 years-has always mandated that each officer living more than five miles outside the city limits be required to put 20 gallons of gas in his or her police cruiser a month, and those living within five miles of the city limits are required to put in 10 gallons per month. Officers living inside the city are not required to pay for gas for their cruisers, even if they drive the car while off-duty.
* Our Police Chief loosened take-home car policy this week, as stated by Capt. Todd Bailey:
The new policy-which is effective immediately-permits officers who live outside the city to drive into New Albany and use the car for personal purposes-such as running errands, seeing a movie or even for a part-time job. without contributing any more gas money than already required.
Source: New Albany Tribune: June 29, 2007
* Taxpayers want our Police Department to comply with state law:
City owned vehicles were furnished to 10 employees to be used for City business and to drive to and from work. The vehicles used were not considered "qualified non-personal use vehicles" as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. The use of these vehicles to commute to and from work is considered personal use and is a taxable fringe benefit. No records were maintained by any of the employees of the personal mileage driven and the taxable fringe benefit was not reported on their W-2.
Source: Indiana State Board Of Accounts
Whenever an item or other asset owned by the political subdivision (city) is entrusted to an officer or employee, to be used at times outside the normal work time for business purposes, such as vehicles, a log should be maintained which clearly shows the business use.
Source: Accounting and Uniform Compliance Guidelines Manual for Cities and Towns, Chapter 7.
"You officers took an oath to enforce the laws but instead you break the laws."
Source: Indiana State Board of Accounts
We have watched with interest this discussion about NAPD take home cars for over 2 1/2 years. It is time our council steps up to the plate and imposes fees on those officers who use the take-home cars while off-duty. We are sick and tired of the comments: The city has been doing this for 30 years, and now 20 years!
Could this be why our city is in the mess were in?
Nothing upsets citizens more than someone driving a police car with their family in it. But for taxpayers to pay their gas bill, is wrong. We understand our officers put their lives on the line every day.
Freedom of Speech would like to know why 3 police cars continue to be parked half the night down by the K&I Bridge? Can't you guys afford a hotel room?
And if anyone thinks a police car in the vicinity of where someone is about to commit a crime deters them, you are crazy. We know that's used as an argument for them to drive their police cars home, but that theory doesn't hold water either.
However if you take home your handheld radio, you could radio an uniformed officer on duty to make an arrest instead of putting officers, friends and family in danger.
Chief Harl can not convince us, there is no benefit to city taxpayers, and the cost to the taxpayers is far less defensible, when the vehicles are driven outside city limits. One must ask if it is fair for city taxpayers to pay to have police cars commute daily to and from Harrison County, Clark County, and Washington County. The NAPD has about 65 officers, and about 28 actually live in the city limits!
Freedom of Speech also has a problem with officers using their patrol cars for off duty jobs that they are paid for, but where the city is not compensated. The city would, however, be responsible if something happened to a take-home car.
You police officers say, there is no place to park your fleet of police cars. Well for our argument the solution is we have an half empty parking garage that can handle this very issue.
So unload your gear, because it's time you either park them cars or pay for your own damn gas!
Capt. Bailey you make $44,841.26 a year, can't you afford to buy your own gas?
Source: 2006 payroll
Your department takes 37% of our city budget, and to use the death of Officer Denzinger as an excuse...shame on you!
"Accountability breeds response-ability"
~Stephen R. Covey
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Who will be our next City Fire Chief? Dick Duggins?
Freedom of Speech would like to say:
That our mayor prior to the may election was all for the NAFD's new contract including a raise, fixing the ambulance problems, and fixing many of the other contractual issues that raised concerns.
After Jimmy was beat he would no longer sign off on anything, as a result of his animosity towards our firefighters. This administration is now going to have to waste valuable city tax dollars, as well as union money in order to go to arbitration to get the situation resolved.
So much for bargaining in good faith Jimmy!
Freedom of Speech would like to also say:
It is time the citizens of New Albany realize the real problems with our Firefighters & EMT's have been brought on by the Garner Administration, the personal vendetta by Board of Works President~Tony Toran and the harassment and personal agenda by Fire Chief Toran.
Hang in there New Albany Firefighters & EMT's...better days are ahead!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Here's some background information that might be helpful to your readers.
Storm water is a major source of water quality problems in urban areas, such as New Albany. Urban areas have a higher percentage of impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, rooftops and parking than rural areas or forested areas.
When it rains, storm water runoffs carries polluntants from these surfaces to the municpal seperate storm sewer system (MS4) and they flow directly to local waterways without any treatment. In contrast, your sanitary wastewater flows to a wastewater treatment plant where the pollutants are removed before being discharged to local waterways.
New Albany owns or operates a MS4. Federal regulations require MS4s designated by the permitting authority to apply for and obtain National Pollutant Discharge Eliminations Systems (NPDES) permits for their storm water discharges.
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is the permit issuing authority in Indiana. The requirements that New Albany must follow are found in IDEM's rule entitled "Storm Water Runoff Associated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Conveyances" (Rule13). Please see the text of Rule 13 at:
In short, Rule 13 requires New Albany to develop a storm water management plan that address:
1) Educating the citizens of New Albany on the impacts of contaminated storm water to localm waterways.
2) Getting the public involved in the development of the storm water management plan.
3) Finding sources of non-storm water that eneter the the storm sewer system that could lead to pollution problems.
4) Developing a program to review construction site plans for erosion and sediment control.
5) Developing a program to look at storm water impacts from redeveopment projects.
6) Developing a pollution prevention and good housekeeping program for municipal operations.
Many municipalities develop storm water fees to fund their storm water programs. I looked at the New Albany Storm Water Board Website and they have also assessed a storm water fee.
This type of funding mechanism is becoming the choice of many municipalities that are required to apply for storm water permits.
The fee is based on the amount of impervious surface area per property. Homeowners pay lower fees than commercial and industrial sites. It is a fair way to fund the storm water program because all sites contribute to the runoff problem.
Remember the goal is to keep pollutants out of local waterways so the citizens of New Albany can enjoy them.
Brian Bell
Regional Storm Water Coordinator/
Wisconsin State Program Manager
U.S. EPA Region 5
Fax: 312-886-0168
Freedom of Speech would like to say:
New Albany should meet any and all mandates from EPA. Also, in reading his e-mail two words stood out loud and clear: "the choice" of funding mechanism of many municipalities. If our memory has not failed us: taxpayers were told this was the only choice.
We also agree with your treasurer Mrs. Garry when she stated, she prefers a City Fund not a Utility!
We understand it is the responsibility of the City Plan Commission, Redevelopment Commission, and County Plan Commission to stay up on EPA mandates for redevelopment projects being done in the City and County.
Isn't this why we pay them?
Freedom of Speech feels we "do not" need to spend $1,409,507.68 of taxpayer's dollars to:
* Educate citizens
* Getting the public involved
* Developing programs
How about cleaning storm drains, ditches and creeks instead of wasting taxpayer dollars on this bogus 2008 Stormwater Budget!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Eleven cars of Norfolk Southern train carrying hazardous material derailed about 2:40 p.m. today.
Your are right Mr. Zurschmiede, we are little ole New Albany and yes our city is "broke." So what's your cure all solution for 15th Street?
Who should give a damn about a few curbs if it saves lives!
Besides that, Kevin & Council President Kochert, you both need to check behind Fifer. You surely know by now he can spin anything his way if it makes him a few hundred thousand dollars!
Why Is Sewer Board Attorney, Greg Fifer now chasing the research on the 15th Street railroad?
Who authorized this assignment for Mr. Fifer?
Is this information listed in the Sewer Board minutes.
Besides, who is dumb enough to drive drunk down your alley Kevin or drive drunk down any street in New Albany.
Freedom of Speech would like to thank Valla Ann Bolovschak for putting the safety of the citizens of 15th Street first and foremost!
"One person with courage makes a majority."
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Community Rallies to Show Support of Fallen Officers
In response to calls from the community to show support for the police officers shot monday night in Floyd County. the community blood drive scheduled for Thursday, June 21, will be in honor of Deputy Frank Denzinger and Deputy Joel White.
The blood drive will be on thursday, June 21, at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church from 12 noon until 8 p.m. Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church is located at 2212 State Street in New Albany.
If you are at least 17 years of age, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and are in good general health, you may be eligible to donate blood.
In addition to blood donations, participants will have the opportunity to sign cards for the families of Deputies Denzinger and White.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Rest in peace
my friend,
you will always
hold a place
in all our hearts.
The Entire Staff
of Freedom of Speech
Sunday, June 17, 2007
It is the duty of a board, department heads or public officials to provide the day-to-day services that our city needs while limiting the already excessive burden that the taxpayers in New Albany have to carry.
City of New Albany-2008 Storm Water Board Budget
Proposed 2008 Budget
Classification 100 Line Items
4111.3 Salaries Maint Crews
and Support........................................$275,000.00
4125.3 Overtime..................................$3,600.00
4131.3 Clothing Allowance...................$1,500.00
4141.3 H. Ins Admin............................$138,934.36
4142.3 H. Ins. Claim............................$0.00
4153.3 City PERF.................................$6,980.00
4156.3 Unemployment Comp..........................................$20,482.32
4161.3 Board Compensation.............................$26,700.00
Classification 200 Line Items
4211.3 Office Supplies..................$750.00
4221.3 Gasoline...........................$10,000.00
4222.3 Oil/Lube...........................$360.00
4223.3 Tires/Tube........................$750.00
4231.3 Liscense/Education...........$2,500.00
4232.2Equipment Supply.............$2,500.00
4241.3 Other Supply.....................$0.00
4251.3 Operating Supplies............$1,350.00
4255.3 Phone................................$3,500.00
4261.3 Miscellaneous....................$5,000.00
4255.3 Truck.................................$22,000.00
Classification 300 Line Items
4311.3 Legal - Board Attorney...............$14,000.00
4312.3 Legal - Ordinance Enforcement.$1,000.00
4313.3 Legal - Utility Appeals................$1,000.00
4314.3 Legal - Ordinance Review
and Upgrades.......................................$2,000.00
4315.3 Legal - Delinquency enforcement........................................$1,500.00
4316.3 MCM 1 Public Outreach
& Education (general,illicit,const)............................$18,000.00
4317.3 MCM 2 Public Involvement.........................................$16,500.00
4318.3 MCM 3 Illicit Discharge
Elimination System Mapping..............................................$75,000.00
4319.3 MCM 3 Illicit Investigation
Sampling Equip & Lab........................................................$5,000.00
4320.3 MCM 3 Stream Vis Assesments........................................$4,000.00
4321.3 MCM 3 Operations Training
and Assistance............................................$16,000.00
4322.3 MCM 4/5 Construction Guidance
and training..........................................$8,300.00
4323.3 MCM 4/5 Construction QC Checks
and Program Review.............................$6,500.00
4324.3 MCM 6 Facilities Operations
Review, Assessments.........................................$10,200.00
4325.3 MCM 6 Facilities Operations
Training ...............................................$7,500.00
4326.3 RULE 13 Compliance Reporting.$7,500.00
4327.3 RULE 13 Term 2 Plan
Classification 400 Line Items
4442.3 CAPITAL PROJECTS Bid Management.......................................$6,000.00
4443.3 CAPITAL PROJECTS Easement Management.....................................$6,000.00
Easement Purchase..........................$39,000.00
4445.3 CAPITAL PROJECTS Contractor
4450.3 BILLING SYSTEM Staff.........$25,000.00
4451.3 BILLING SYSTEM Mapping &
4452.3 BILLING SYSTEM Keystone
4453.3 BILLING SYSTEM Appeals
Investigation and Reconcilliation.....$2,000.00
4454.3 BILLING SYSTEM Delinquency
Investigation & Enforcement............$2,000.00
4460.3 MASTER PLANNING Sampling
Equip & Data Collection...................$18,000.00
4461.3 MASTER PLANNING Modeling..............................................$24,000.00
4462.3 MASTER PLANNING Mapping...............................................$45,000.00
4463.3 MASTER PLANNING Community
4464.3 MASTER PLANNING Projects
Classification 500 Line Items
4511.3 Emergency Reserve Fund
Contribution (separate
4560.3 Grants Solicitation &
4570.3 Board Policy Updates &
4571.3 Accounting Review & Rate
Source: Controller's Office
First of all little timmy, you told the council and us taxpayers you would work for FREE! And we have it all on tape...Would you like to view our tape?
But on January 8th, 2007 you said and we quote:Tim Deatrick hopes, he and his colleagues Goodman and Sam Asberry will no longer have to work pro bono! DOESN'T THAT MEAN FREE?
Source: New Albany Tribune
You also state in the same article that the revenue and expenses we're projecting for 2007 will allow board compensation with no problem."
Source: New Albany Tribune
Houston we have a problem...
Does that mean you really want to be "paid" now? Does two wrongs make a right?
January 11, 2007 you state the board can confidently say that with the guidance of our treasurer and city controller Kay Garry, we are on solid financial ground and will continue to manage your stormwater fees wisely.
Source: New Albany Tribune
On April 13, 2007 Kay Garry your Treasurer stated: There are 2 ordinances (G-0509 & G-0620) regarding Storm Water/Drainage that are contrary to each other. The ordinance will have to be "amended by the City Council" (which has not been done yet) to be a Utility or a City Fund. Your treasurer states and we quote: Mrs. Garry prefers a City Fund not a Utility!
Source: April 13, 2007 Stormwater Board minutes which is a legal document.
Freedom of Speech would like to ask why our fees are paying for the following positions Tina Haley, Maintance Supervisor Tom Cannon, FMSM Steve Mayes, Legal Council Mike Summers, Storm Water Billing Kelly Welch, EMC Brian Dixon, Jerry Taylor, and god only knows who else!
Source: Storm Water Board minutes
And you Sir, little Timmy have awarded contracts without consulting the council, and then ask the council to appropriate more money to the storm water board. Our money should be used to fix our problems, not to hire more consulting firms.
How about cleaning storm drains, ditches, and creeks instead of playing "Boss Deatrick" New Albany's homegrown wannabe!!
So are you bought and paid for "little docker" boy?
Your budget of $1,409,507.68 is an insult to New Albany taxpayers, some taxpayer's are over billed, under billed, and not billed at all. How can you spend taxpayers monies when you have been operating for about a year without a budget or the council approval on any type of appropriation?
Maybe you need to check with your sister, who is an attorney to see if you are now liable to us the taxpayers?
That might be very interesting!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
"Get out your scissors Jimmy." You did it to us...again!
Did you really think this would not get out?
Will the controller and the mayor make their decisions on the 2007 Budget, and the Council won't even know what is going on?
Freedom of Speech would like to ask: Will the mayor and controller try to drain all other funds to bail-out the 2007 General Fund Budget again?
And will these cuts affect our City Services?
Guess how much we got to cut Roger, or can you even count that high?
This used to be a government
of checks and balances. Now
it's all checks and no balances.
~Gracie Allen
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
"Garner said he was considering whether to replace Wheatley for the final seven months of his term or push for the council to "fully fund" One Southern Indiana."
Source: New Albany Tribune May 22, 2007
Freedom of Speech would like to know what changed Mayor Garner's mind to go ahead and fill this position?
And who is going to increase this salary?
What happen to Carl Malysz's high paying job in Louisville?
As they say: Birds of a feather "flock" together!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Wake up New Albany, your lives may be in danger. Our New Albany Fire Department is in such turmoil because of poor management.
Our New Albany firefighters are being harassed, intimidate and they are refusing to discuss the current state of our NAFD. The current management of our Fire Department is setting our city up for future lawsuits.
Freedom of Speech challenges any blog or the current administration to prove what we are saying is wrong. It is time our City Council calls for a full investigation, and for the council to step in and do what's best for all the citizens of New Albany.
You decide...History & Events ~ Ambulance & Hiring of Firefighters:
Vision differ for N.A. ambulance service~10/11/2006
New Albany City Council clashes over ambulance~11/09/2006
New Albany Fire Department ambulance returns through 2006~ 11/17/2006
Hiring vote for New Albany Fire Department on hold~12/22/2006
Letters: January 6, 2006 Reader: Reducing scores to allow minorities is insult~01/05/2007
New Albany Fire Department receives $187,000 Homeland Security grant~02/09/2007
Panel: NAFD ambulance mismanaged~03/06/2007
FIRE STORM: New Albany Board of Works enacts new fire-hiring process ~04/04/2007
A new wrinkle in the saga of firefighter employment has prompted New Albany's executive and legislative bodies to trade accusations of illegal activity.
On Tuesday, the Board of Public Works and Safety enacted a firefighter-hiring procedure, effectively trumping a City Council that Mayor James Garner said has been "making a mockery of the democratic process" ...
But...we have the real story!
Because of the executive board and the EMT's raising such awareness when Squad 10 was taken off track is when all this started. The New Albany Fire Chief is holding EMT's basically hostage on the ambulance stating, "that ambulance personal should have not taken the course and if they don't want to be on the ambulance to give up their numbers? This way the Chief can get rid of the ambulance stating he does not have the individuals to work it.
What the taxpayers of New Albany doesn't know, all 11 of the EMT'S assigned to the ambulance volunteered to take the class on their own, to better the service for the fire department and to better serve the citizens of New Albany.
And with the size of our city, the citizens of New Albany deserves an ambulance service of this caliber, regardless of what the Garner administration and Chief's office thinks.
The individuals working the ambulances along with the executive board are trying to fix the problem, but the Chief and the Mayor refuse to do anything about it because they want to get rid of the ambulances all together.
The Chiefs office called the EMT's whiners and punished all personnel who holds the EMT certification by placing them on the ambulances regardless if they were 5 year veteran or a twenty year veteran.
All anyone on the ambulance is asking is that all new recruits have to become EMT certified, this will enable the Fire Department EMS Service to thrive and grow.
The current contract states all new recruits must become BLS and all the union is asking that all new recruits become EMT's.
Really not that complicated is it?
Especially, when the class can be taught for free by individuals on the fire department.
Freedom of Speech would like to ask:
Why in the last 3 1/2 years not one grievance has been passed by Fire Chief Ron Toran, or his son Tony Toran President of The Board of Works against the Fire Department. And why not? How fair is this set up? Does the words Conflict of Interest apply? Or is Tony just covering his dad's legal ass?
Furthermore, the Chief's office refuses to promote any ambulance personnel assigned to ambulances. Why?
Chief Toran where is the Accountability System that was granted by Homeland Security? This equipment was obtained by grant, which is used to save fire fighters lives. It has yet to be put into use and we want to know why?
The state of the fire department has been in the gutter for nearly 16 years now thanks to poor management. The people on the department are accustomed to turmoil, friction and unnecessary BS.
It did not take citizen's advocate Valla Ann Bolovschak long to figure out what is being done to our firefighters is illegal, immoral, and opening the city up for potential lawsuits. After weeks of research and verifying the ordinances and several calls to Indianapolis, she knows that if an ordinance is established it precedes all other ordinances thus nullifying the 2003, 2004 hiring list which is part of what is being used to select our new 12 recruits.
Valla Ann again demostrates she is not afraid to rock the boat in order to stand up for us taxpayers!
From what we have verified this is going on, and it's illegal. There are people who got interviews who were not on the current hiring list. They themselves were confused because they had given up, thinking they were never going to be called because a new test had been administered.
At this point, if nobody is going to step up and take action we the taxpayers of New Albany will.It's time the council takes action, don't let them do whatever they want. It's sickening and sad how this community operates. It's equally sickening and sad how the Council, Board of Works and any others in a positions who could take action just sit and watch because they don't have the guts to do something about it, or at least try.
Shame on you...All of you!
Plus, there is a union President, Dick Duggins, who is trying to get his son hired so he isn't going to try and stop them. We ask why piss off the people who could give your son a future? What kind of a future will he have on the NAFD if things continue to be managed the same old New Albany Good Ole Boy ways?
There are grievances stacked waiting to go to arbitration (which the membership has already voted and approved to do so) but are seeing no action by this President for some reason. Hmmm. Wonder why?
His course of action seems to be working.
We did verify his son did get an interview. Can't call him stupid...just irresponsible and untrustworthy in a leadership role. And wait, there's more...Duggins is apparently running around telling everyone that HE is going to be the next Fire Chief...Ain't gonna happen Dick!
It's going to take alot of work by someone who actually knows how to manage people, to bring those folks around and make the NAFD what it really should and can be. These are good people.
It's the management that is beyond highly questionable!
The fact that the mayor can stand before the city and everyone else and say Ron Toran is the best man for the chief's job and the best chief the department has ever had is ludicrous, absolutely ludicrous.
That is just wrong and totally misleading. If our mayor truly believes that then I would highly question his ability to make good decisions...Oh, all makes sense now.
It all boils down to irresponsibility and sheer ignorance...Literally.
Where is the checks and balances of this city?
Unfortunately it looks like the fire department is not going to be getting the top recruits like the ordinance dictates and the city will be getting "sued once again" by those individuals who are more qualified for these 12 positions.
Freedom of Speech selected these 3 New Albany Officials because of:
* Illegal hiring practices, that opens the door for future lawsuits
* Wasteful spending of taxpayers dollars, this department will require additional appropriation to cover additional over-time which is about $1 million dollars by the end of 2007.
Freedom of Speeches Fleecing award goes to:
Mayor~Jimmy, Fire Chief~Ron Toran and (Kroger Boy) ~Tony Toran.
The good news is that the Fire Department has been around since 1872 and will continue to thrive regardless of the Mayor, Board of Works and the Chief's adminstration seeks to do!
Freedom of Speech recommends if you support our New Albany Firefighters contact:
Council President Larry Kochert @ 945-7652
It's time for some accountability Council members...
Sources: State Board of Accounts, Atty. General of Indiana, DLGF, Karen Davis Public Access Counselor, Valla Ann Bolovschak Citizens Advocate
Footnote:All reports that are maintained by a Mayor's office are public records. All public records are disclosable unless exempt under the Access to Public Records Act. All one need do is request the record from the office of the Mayor. Please try to identify the record that you request with reasonable particularity. Contracts, executive orders, e-mails, and meeting minutes are all disclosable public records.
Karen Davis
Public Access Counselor
Thursday, June 07, 2007
This spotlights important facts that deserve attention to the Council and taxpayers.
Our American democracy can only work if taxpayers and the council members have the information they need to make informed decisions. Decisions with an informed debate, it is far more likely that the policies pursued by the Council and current Adminstration will be sound.
By giving taxpayers the facts about how local government is spending our money, empowers taxpayers to better ensure that their dollars do the most and are not wasted.
The Freedom of Speech Fleecing Award serves notice on Department heads, City Boards, members of our City Council, and current Administration not to mess with your employees and taxpayers.
As they say: Hands off and no reprisals!
Finally, Freedom of Speech plans initially to announce Awards "occasionally" as good issues come to our attention.
Footnote: The first ever Freedom of Speech Fleecing Award (wasteful spending) winner will be announced Sunday~June 10, 2007.
Who will it be?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Type of Bond: Sewage Bonds
Orginal Purpose: Refund other Bonds
Year Sold: 2003
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2013
Source of Repayment: Revenue
Number of bonds Outstanding: 8
Original Amount of Debt: $11,815,000
Interest Rate: 2.50%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $8,765,000
Mayor: Overton
Type of Bond: Sewage Bonds
Original Purpose: Sewage Improvements
Year Sold: 2002
Year Scheduled to Reitre: 2023
Source of Repayment: Revenue
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 21
Original Amount of Debt: $39,950,000
Interest Rate: 3.30%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $37,018,520
Mayor: Overton
Type of Bond: Sewage Bonds
Orginal Purpose: Sewage Improvement
Year Sold: 1993
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2013
Source of Repayment: Revenue
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 8
Original Amount of Debt: $10,310,000
Interest Rate: 5.25%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $8,150,000
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: Sewage Bonds
Original Purpose: Sewage Improvement
Year Sold: 1997
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2016
Source of Repayment: Revenue
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 11
Original Amount of Debt: $5,060,000
Interest Rate: 4.75%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $4,635,000
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: Sewage Bonds
Original Purpose: Bank Note
Year Sold: 1998
Year Scheduled to Retire:
Source of Repayment: Revenue
Original Amount of Debt: $1,500,000
Interest Rate: 0%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $1,500,000
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: Sewage Bonds
Original Purpose: Sewage Improvement
Year Sold: 1998
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2018
Source of Payment: Revenue
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 13
Original Amount of Debt: $3,270,000
Interest Rate: 4.13%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $2,820,000
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: Sewage Bond
Original Purpose: Sewage Improvements
Year Sold:1999
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2018
Source of Repayment: Revenue
Number of Outstanding Bonds: 13
Original Amount of Debt: $6,170,000
Interest Rate: 4.70%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $5,915,000
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: Sewage Bond
Original Purpose: Sewage Improvements
Year Sold: 1999
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2018
Source of Repayment: Revenue
Number of Outstanding Bonds: 13
Original Amount of Debt: $456,279
Interest Rate: 2.90%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $385,828
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: T.I.F. Bonds
Original Purpose: Grant Line Industrial
Year Sold: 1999
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2014
Source of Repayment: Tax
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 14
Original Amount of Debt: $1,450,000
Interest Rate: 6.50%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $1,485,587
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: T.I.F.
Original Purpose: Park East Industrial
Year Sold: 1999
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2014
Source of Repayment: Tax
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 9
Original Amount of Debt: $1,500,000
Interest Rate: 6.50%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $992,375
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: T.I.F. Series A
Original Purpose: State St. Garage
Year Sold: 1997
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2008
Source of Replacement: Tax
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 2
Original Amount of Debt: $2,800,000
Interest Rate: 4.95%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $1,228,000
Mayor: England
Type of Bond: Revenue
Original Purpose: Scribner Place
Year Sold: 2003
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2008
Source of Repayment: Revenue
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 3
Original Amount of Debt: $2,450,000
Interest Rate: 5.10%
Outstanding Debit Amount: $1,879,900
Mayor: Overton
Type of Bond: T.I.F.
Original Purpose: Cgarlestown Road
Year Sold: 2005
Year Scheduled to Retire: 2015
Source of Repayment: Tax
Number of Bonds Outstanding: 14
Original Amount of Debt: $2,200,000
Interest Rate: 5.15%
Outstanding Debt Amount: $2,489,225
Mayor: Garner
Total Outstanding Principal: $77,264,435
Source: Indiana Dept. Local Government Finance
Freedom of Speech would like to say: after spend all these millions of dollars, you would think our sewers would work!
Footnote: Scribner Place Bond and Sewer Bond for 2006 will not be placed on this Debt Bond list until DLGF receives our 2006 Budget.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Great! Were flattered Jimmy that you and your staff have been enjoying our articles. Facts are stronger than opinions...Right!
With just 211 days left in the Garner's Adminstration, time is running out. On the other hand, that is a good thing - less time for more bad decisions.
Most citizens of New Albany feel alienated from our local government and have little or no confidence in its ability to resolve problems.
However, it is very difficult sometimes to find the right way to bring these important issues forward.
The majority of the Council and most department heads do not "get it."
We as taxpayers have had enough!
Case in point-Ruling: New Albany must hire 4
City Attorney Shane Gibson said, the administration is "not pleased" with the outcome(city lost). Filling the four vancanies as ordered would cost about $200,000, and city officials are investigating whether the budget would support the hiring without laying off other employees.
Source: New Albany Tribune, May 30, 2007
What budget are you talking about City Attorney Gibson? The 2007 City Budget that DLGF has not even approved.
Give us a break...Shane, how stupid do you really think taxpayers are?
Why don't you just cut the crap...with your smoke and mirror scenario, and think like us, "outside the box."
Freedom of Speech believes for every problem New Albany has, there is a solution.
We all put our Economic heads together and came up with the "right solution" for our $200,000 to hire back those 4 employees.
And guess what Jimmy and City Atty. Gibson:
* No layoffs
* No cost to taxpayers
Apply the following Salaries:
Anthony Toran..........................$40,905.28
Toran-Pres. Flood Control Board - $1,600.00
Adam Dickey.............................$32,067.36
Paul Wheatley...........................$36,360.22
4 over-paid Fireman..................$23,612.00
3 over-paid Police Officers.........$24,499.00
One Southern Indiana...............$46,000.00
Benefits on these salaries would also be a savings to taxpayers.
There is current discussion about Fire Chief Ron Toran moving his other son, Anthony B. Toran from City Operation Director into the Fire Department as a new Arson Investigator.
Source: New Albany Fire Department
Freedom of Speech would like to ask how long this position has been open? Are there other Fire Department Staff Members who are better qualified?
Wheatley will be assuming his role with One Southern Indiana June 18, 2007.
The 2006 Audit noted the over payment of 4-Fire Department employees at $23,612.00 and 3-Police Department employees at $24,499.00.
The repayment of $48,111.00 by these 7 employees will be a big help in hiring back the employees as ordered by the arbitrator.
One Southern Indiana is requesting a big chunk of money at a time when we may be faced with laying off city staff.
Additional savings would be the cost to train and certify Tony B.Toran as a new Arson Investigator.
Freedom of Speech would like to say these problems New Albany has isn't a Democrat problem, and it isn't a Republican problem, it is a problem we as taxpayers are going to have to deal with.
Mayor James Garner put short term political consideration ahead of long-term fiscal discipline, and he owes the citizens, his neighbors an explanation and an apology."
How's that resume comin' along Jimmy?