Based on the 2006 City of New Albany Audit Results city employees owe a total of $48,111 back to the taxpayers of New Albany. At tonight's city council meeting, private citizen Valla Ann Bolovschak stood before the citizens and council members of New Albany. She reported the 2006 State Board of Accounts Audit with confirmation, with a 12 year Councilman from Carmel, Indiana these funds should be returned to the New Albany taxpayers of $48,111.00.No executive order should authorize these payments "after the fact" by executive order. These illegal over payments should be paid back with interest to the citizenry in full.
And just because controller Kay Garry stated that it has been going on for 30 years, does not legitimize the abuse.
The bottom line here taxpayers is this, this illegal pay to city employees should be refunded back to the taxpayers.
Damn it, this is our hard earned money!
These are the facts: Pages 42-43 of the State Board of Account 2006 Audit
Fire Department Employees
We reviewed time and attendance records and noted that on each of the 14 scheduled "City" holidays, the Chief, the two Assistant Chiefs and the Major, reported that they did not work. Payroll records showed these employees were compensated for each of these 14 days on the applicable bi-weekly pay period even though the contract states they are only entitled to compensatory time off for 10 holidays.
Additionally when we reviewed holiday pay issued to fire department employees received cash payments equivalent to 12 holidays even though they had been compensated for 14 holidays through paid time off. The combined total of cash payments received by these 4 employees on the first pay in June and December was $23,612
These are the facts: Pages 42-43 of the State Board of Accounts 2006 Audit
Police Department Employees
We reviewed time and attendance records and noted that on each of the 14 scheduled "F.O.P." holidays the Chief, Assistant Chief and the Major, reported that they either did not work or that they worked and claimed overtime compensation for the time they did work on these days. Payroll records showed that each each of these 3 employees did receive their full bi-weekly pay during each of the holiday pay periods, and if applicable, given overtime compensation for any hours they may have worked on these holidays.
We reviewed holiday pay issued during the first pay in June and December to members covered by the contract for holidays not used. During this review, we noted that the Chief, Assistant Chief and Major each received cash payment equivalent to 14 holidays, even though they are specifically not covered under the contract, and had received compensation for these holidays through paid time off, and if applicable, with overtime compensation.
The combined total of holiday pay received on the first pay in June and December to these 3 employees totaled $24,499.
Fire Department Employees over paid - - - - - $23,612
Police Department Employees over paid - - - - $24,499
Total owed back to New Albany Taxpayers - - $48,111
Chief Harl how about you and your other 2 employees purchasing a new police car with the $24,499 you owe us taxpayers?
Too add insult to injury to us the taxpayers, let us show you how this adminstration wanted to protect these over paid employees with some sneaky political Bull-shit cover-up!...Yes we said cover-up!
These are the Facts:
On April 5, 2007, in response to the exception noted, the Mayor enacted Executive Order 2007-01 and 2007-02.
Order 2007-01, granted the Police Chief, Deputy Chief, and Major all the benefits, policies and procedures as outlined in the F.O.P. contract and outlined specific policies and procedures to be followed by these individuals concerning holiday pay.
Order 2007-02, granted the Fire Chief, and Deputy Fire Chiefs all the benefits, policies and procedures as outlined in the New Albany Professional Firefighters Union labor contract and outlined specific policies and procedures to be followed concerning holiday pay, vacation pay, personal days, and compensatory time off for these employees.
Freedom of Speech would like to ask:
If employee's were over paid, which is noted in the audit. Where is the money they owe the taxpayers of New Albany? What does the "after fact" law state?
And the sad part is our city controller stated last night "were not sure which laws we go by, city or state? Due to your lack of Indiana government 101 knowledge, state laws supersedes local laws.
Mrs. Garry the problems is not the lack of laws or regulations; the problem is the lack of will to enforce the laws. make changes and do what's right for all of us taxpayers.
These last 3 audit results makes a mockery of the process of checks and balances. And what taxpayers deserve is accountability!
Just think what we could use $48,111 for?
And Freedom of Speech would also like to say, there should be more good citizens like Valla Ann Bolovschak who is willing to bring the facts and the truth to light. Thanks to Valla Ann maybe our council members last night took under serious consideration, the facts and information she presented to them to follow Indiana State Law as we should!
There is "no shame" when dealing with the facts Mrs. Baylor!