Monday, January 29, 2007


About 3 years ago a man name James Garner promised New Albany citizens a new kind of leadership and a new city government, and boy, was he right about that!

He had a so called "plan" to fix our problems.

Just to refresh your memory these are a few of his campaign promises:

* Complete the long-overdue renovation of the city's sewers and set up a cost efficient program to maintain them.

* Work with the City Council to resolve New Albany's existing problems and get our city government back on track.

* Establish and maintain a realistic budget with better management and controls.

* Make sure tax dollars are spent efficiently.

And you sir, don't need to think we have forgotten not one of your so called yadda, yadda, yadda "bull shit" campaign promises.

If you are taxpayers like us, you have to be getting sick and tired of Jimmy the Politician and all his so-called SMOKE AND MIRROR plans.

And then he is only looking out for the GOOD OLE BOYS and his CRONIES...And not us taxpayers!

Not only does his respective "plans" not work nor make sense, they are cruel in the fact that they give taxpayers false hope of things actually getting done.

Many taxpayers do not understand to this day, how Jimmy can push to raise sewer rates one minute and the next minute push to give himself and city employees a raise!

Is this fair to us taxpayers?

He sure "sold the voters" on his pie in the sky solutions to all of our problems during his 2003 election.

And believe me they won't make the same mistake twice!

We will be discussing Mayor Garner's public views, other campaign promises and bad mistakes over the next SEVERAL weeks.

So before we start let's look at Jimmy the Politician.

In case any of you didn't know, a typical politician's primary job is NOT to serve the people who elect him. His primary job is to get himself elected or re-elected.

Second job is to reward all those contributors that gave $$$ to help him get elected.

Look who contributed to Jimmy's '03 Campaign, and look where they're at now. And then tell us deals were not cut!

Case in point: David White former controller

Do you wonder who owns the company that prints our in-house sewer bills?

Well let me tell you! It's a close family member of David White. The name of the company is L & D MailMasters.

Are these political favors?


* Merle Harl
Appointed New Albany Chief of Police...Campaign Donation: $250.00

* Greg Fifer Law Office
Appointed Sewer Board Attorney: Greg Fifer...Campaign Donation: $600.00

* Summit Springs Development
Pat & Pam Kelly...Campaign Donation: $700.00

* Scribner Place Architect - Wayne Estopinal...Campaign Donation: $500.00

* Jeannie Unruh - MAC Construction - sewer repairs and etc...Campaign Donation: $500.00

* Jorge-Lanz - of Jacobi, Toemes, Lanz
Worked for Daisy Lane Road upgrade and Redevelopment Projects...Campaign Donation: $500.00

* FMSM Engineers - Stormwater Plan...Campaign Donation: $500.00

* Gregory Management LLC. - Slum Lord...$1,400.00

Several City Employees:

* Sam Lahanis - Babysitter for EMC...Campaign Donation: $250.00

* Pat Link - Employee Mayor's Office - She screens all calls to our mayor...Campaign Donation: $350.00

* Sandy Boofter - Asst. Controller...Campaign Donation: $250.00

* Michael Lawrence - Police Officer...Campaign Donation: $350.00

Source: Form CFA-4 Report of Receipts of a Committee to Elect James Garner Mayor. Dated 1/14/04 Total pages 1-23

Is Jimmy the Politician who is paid over $50,000 a year salary, plus perks worth spending $123,139.04 in contributions to win his '03 Election.

He thinks so!

Source: CFA-4 Summary Sheet signed by James Garner Jan. 14, 2004

Welcome to the Super Bowl of New Albany Politics '07!