Thursday, May 29, 2014


We are asking our Freedom Of Speech readers to email us your thoughts on this weeks question of the week:

Is the New Albany Police Department Corrupt?

Let's hear what you folks think.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


"We're a little surprised this route was taken,"  said Shane Gibson Corporate Council for the City of New Albany. "It looks like, after reviewing these real quickly, that a lot of this was work-related issues and the normal process is to file a grievance with the union and have that process taken, and that wasn't done here."

First, of all Mr. Gibson has selective memory. He was present in the room in 2010 with Union President and Officer Schook, who is he bull shitting?

Is this what we pay billable hours for?

Our final thoughts:

Where is City Attorney Stan Robinson? Why are we paying him a big fat salary if he doesn't work.

And, where did Gibson get his new title "Corporate Council?"

More lies by the Gahan administration.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Memorial Day is one of those national holidays that offer a three day weekend and the time to kick back doing whatever you, your family, your friends chooses to do.

But the reason for the last Monday in May being a holiday is often lost in the rush to make those plans.

It is hardly a day of rest or relaxation for those in uniform deployed in places where they will dodge RPG's, avoid IED'd and shoulder their own weapons while trying to win the hearts and minds of whatever place they've been sent.

They do, however, know what Memorial Day is all about.

The men and women of America's Armed Forces understand what sacrifice means. They have seen it. They know exactly why Memorial Day exists.

Memorial Day offers us the opportunity to remember those who fought and died in America's wars - past and present.

So as you pop the top on your favorite brand of beer, and grill those T-bone steaks or Ballpark hot dogs, consider taking time on your day off to reflect on those who served and didn't have the opportunity to join the rest of us this Memorial Day - 2014.

God Bless America
Freedom Of Speech Staff

Friday, May 23, 2014


Todd Bailey will be named new Police Chief.

Freedom Of Speech would like to say:

Mr. Bailey falsified 170 reports, so why is he to be Chief?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Grand Jury in. Press Conference today.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


May 20, 2014

Dear Mayor Gahan,

Please accept this letter as my formal request for reassignment to my former position within the Detective division of the New Albany Police Department.  After consideration, I have concluded that it is in the best interests of my family and myself, to transition out of my position as Chief and spend more time with my family. I will continue to focus on serving the citizens of my community as a member of the New Albany Police Department.

I want to emphasize my appreciation for the opportunity to serve as Chief pf Police. It has been an honor to be the first female appointed to that position. Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to serve as Chief.

Sherri Knight 

Freedom Of Speech would like to say:

Gahan would not say the Knights and Pennell requests  related to any corruption investigations, although he did say the grand jury would be considering indictments involving members of the New Albany Police Department.

Gahan also declined to say whether Knight and Pennell were forced to ask to be reassigned.

Freedom of Speech feels Mayor Gahan looked like a "deer in headlights" tonight when asked why Mrs. Knight had resigned. Hey Jeff, how about telling the citizens of New Albany the truth. If you won't we will....


It has been leaked from Mayor Gahan's Office to us, Chief of Police Sherry Knight will be replaced.

Bye, bye Mrs. Knight...

Karma has a way of coming back and biting you in the ass.

Thanks Shane for the info....


"The city of New Albany has got to be competitive," Gahan said. "Part of being competitive is having good quality-of-life projects."


And they are all backed up with our property taxes.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Several scandals and allegations of the New Albany Police Department have occurred throughout the department's history, even misconduct....

Freedom Of Speech will present the case against NAPD Chief Sherry Knight:

* "Major Knight, rather than investigating, rather than discipline, I mean, you are talking about thousands of taxpayer dollars, here, rather than doing anything, she told Jon Tucker, Gary Humphrey, and the captain on the shift at that time, who was Eric Higdon, told all of them that Laura Schook was ratting them out."

* Landenwich claims that Knight's failure to take action as a supervising officer resulted in not only the officers not being held accountable for the alleged misconduct, but it put Schook in serious danger as an officer.

Our understanding is that on Friday morning Officer Humphrey will be called to face a Grand Jury.

Freedom Of Speech would like to say:

While on duty it is the officers job to enforce the laws not break the laws. They do not need to be watching porn, and it's been reported from the locals that our  some local officers have been seen getting blow jobs down by the K&I Bridge, watching movies or running their side business during their shifts, or decorating the float for Harvest Homecoming. 

Why is Jeff Gahan so out of touch with the citizens of New Albany?

It has also been reported to us, that our police officers chatting in Community Park on one side, that taxpayers have seen several drug deals going down on the other side of the park. What the hell are we paying you officers for?

Also, any supervisor who sets any officer up regardless of gender with NO back up should be fired.

Is this history repeating itself?

Mr. Gahan, if you had any balls and sense, you would call for a full investigation of your Police Department. These are very serious allegations. And the buck stops at your door....

Our final thoughts:

NAPD Chief Sherri Knight it is time for you to resign. You are NOT a leader and even you are not above the law....

We would recommend to Attorney Landenwich that you get a court order for each computer in every police car in the department. It is time we hold those officers accountable to us taxpayers.

Freedom of Speech will continue to aggressively pursue any officer that commits any criminal act in our City of New Albany.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Happy Mother's Day to all Freedom Of Speech readers and thank you for choosing to make us part of your day.

And for our male readers, don't forget to call your mom. It wouldn't be Mothers Day for them without at least hearing your voice!

Happy Mother's Day
Freedom Of Speech Staff

Friday, May 09, 2014


You Betcha!

Freedom Of Speech applauds Laura Schook for bring a lawsuit against the City of New Albany.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014


Today is Primary Election Day.

Each of us have one and only one vote.Voting is one of the few times when we each have an equal  say. No matter how much money you have or who your friends are, you only get one vote.

If you think that your opinion doesn't matter about who's sitting as Commissioner, County Council member, Judge, Auditor, County Clerk or Sheriff, think again!

The people in office now are making decisions that will affect your life, your taxes, and your wallet. 

Regardless of party you need to look at each candidate. If they sit on the County Council look at their voting record. If they are currently in office and run for another position, look at what they did in the other office. Some office holders are career politicians. They jump from one position to another to live off us taxpayers and build their pensions..

We ask you to NOT vote for the Party but the person. If they have wasted your tax dollars, why even vote for them. That is called a under vote. 

Grandstanding has NO place in politics or elections.

If an elected official tells you: You just don't understand. What that means is "your not smart enough" to see right through their lies and BS.

It is time to go vote. 

Be sure and pick up your: We The People sticker after you Vote.

Monday, May 05, 2014


The city is currently borrowing a fire laddar truck from Sellersburg. The trucks typically have a service life of 20-30 years.

Freedom of Speech would like to say: Mayor Garner, Doug England and now Jeff Gahan have each bought new fire trucks right before a re-election.

Won't  photographs of NEW Police cars and a NEW Fire truck look good on a political mailer?

Questions to our readers:

How many police cars, fire trucks and salt trucks have we purchased in the last few years?

How come last winter we couldn't afford salt, but it's important now to buy another salt truck?

If we have cash on hand why borrow $$$$$?

Saturday, May 03, 2014


The 2014 Kentucky Derby is the 140th renewal of The Greatest Two Minutes in Sports.

Churchill Downs, the world's most legendary racetrack, has conducted Thoroughbred racing and presented America's greatest race, the Kentucky Derby, continously since 1875.

Off to the Derby!

Thursday, May 01, 2014


On April 17, 2014 Obama declared the success of Obamacare. Insurace providers have released the following figures:

* under 18 - 9 percent
* Ages 18 to 25 - 10 percent
* Ages 26 to 34 - 15 percent
* Ages 45 to 54 - 23 percent
* Ages 55 to 64 -29 percent
* 65 and older - 1 percent

Obama declared the debate repealing the law is over and Obamacare is here to stay.

Everytime we hear the Left or the Right say it is too late to get rid of this monstrosity. Our blood boils. Gentleman, Ladies it is never too late to face a mistake and correct it. The problem is that the Republicans are too weak and to concerned with their own political careers to do what is necessary. So at the next election we are going to relieve you Democrats and Republicans of your duty and find someone who is in office for the right reasons. Those reasons are to uphold the Constitution of the United States and to do the best job they can for us the American People not their political party or their personal interests. 

If the Republicans really want to take back the Senate and this country. Run on repealing Obamacare and make it happen.