Job Application
_________Please print your real name, you will have an opportunity to make up names later.
Do you have access to a car or other vehicle?
__ Yes
__ No
__ Don't know/don't remember
If No, do you know how to hot-wire an ignition?
__ Yes
__ No
If Yes, how many homeless vagrants or illegal alien's can you transport?
__ 0-1 Coupe
__ 2-4 Sedan
__ 5-7 Minivan
__ 9-11 Conversion van
__ 12-99 School bus
__ 100-199 Semi with empty trailer
Do you know any dead people?
__ No
__ YES
If you had to make up names for some reason, which do you prefer to use?
__ Dead people
__ Disney characters
__ Members of the Dallas Cowboys/NFL team
__ Superheroes like "Batman" or "Underdog"
__ Names of cheap beers, malt liquors and wines
Please check any relevant experience?
__ Intimidating bank employees
__ Slashing tires
__ Arson
__ Breaking and Entering
__ Armed Robbery
__ Pickpocketing
__ Mail fraud
__ Real estate flipping. mortgage fraud
__ Rating sub prime debt tranches "AAA"
How would you prefer to be paid?
__ Cash
__ Check
__ Cigs
__ Cheap beers
__ Crack cocaine
__ Cans of mackerel
When can you start work?
__ Now
__ Tomorrow after 3pm
Oops, we forgot!
Don't bother applying for these positions in Nevada and other states. Nevada authorities filed criminal charges against the political advocacy group ACORN and two employees.
ACORN, Voter Fraud?
Gee, who woulda thunk it?
In the words of the Obama's former pastor Jeremiah un-Wright. "The chickens have come home to roost."
We want to hear him spread "God Da-n America now", while Obama and the dems are in leadership.
Just as "Where there's smoke, there's fire" so too "Where there's registration fraud, there's voter fraud!"
Let's not forget it was ACORN picketing banks that would not give sub-prime loans to low income households because of the risk involved.
And when the banks finally gave in to pressure from ACORN and the Democrats it created this housing bubble that just burst so conveniently before November's elections!
We wonder if Obama even understands the RICO ACT?