Tuesday, June 20, 2006


2004 Audit Results
Overdrawn Cash Balance
Overspending of Appropriations

How did we get in this mess with our City finances? Who approves the claims for these OVER-EXPENDITURES?

Answer: The City Board Of Works approves the city claims at their Tuesday morning meeting. The current members are, Tony Torran, Chairman and Chas Hunter, Vice Chairman.

The Board of Public Works meeting minutes of March 21, 2006 show the request by City Controller, Kay Garry, for approval to pay claims of 2/24/06 to 2/23/06 in the amount of $5,067,367.44

The motion was made and approved by the Board at that meeting.


Do the Board of Works members even look at the claims or a claims list to see what they are approving?

Do they ask the Controller if the funds are available to make the payments?

Do they ask if these payments are within the approved allowed Budget for the current year?