Sunday, November 04, 2007


When Nov. 6 comes around, where will you be? Will you vote? I mean, it isn't as though voting for a city council member, clerk or mayor really matters right?


Sure, they affect your sewer bill, water bill, streets, your garbage pick-up and other day-to-day things, but in all reality, your VOTE does matter.

Most of the time, they are going to do what benefits them and, we hope, the rest of us. The people that benefit from elected officials are the ones who donate the most and are the most influential.

Case in point...

England's Financial Report for 2007

Donations from outside of New Albany


Henderson, Ky ......................$500.00
Lanesville, In.........................$200.00
Lexington, Ky........................$200.00
Fairland, In...........................$1000.00
Charlestown, In.....................$350.00
Tell City, In...........................$500.00
Sarasota, FL..........................$200.00
Sellersburg, In......................$3640.00
Floyd Knobs, In.....................$3880.00
Jeffersonville, In...................$2650.00
Elizabeth, In.........................$3800.00
Georgetown, In.....................$1450.00
Louisville, In........................$4450.00
Hanover, In..........................$100.00
Clarksville, In.......................$3550.00
Bradenton Fl........................$200.00
Indianapolis, In...................$13,850.00
Carmel, In...........................$150.00
Borden, In...........................$100.00
Evansville, In......................$500.00
Pekin, In.............................$150.00
Prospect, Ky.......................$250.00
Zionville, In........................$750.00
Berkosda, Md.....................$350.00

Total Donations received
for England......................$67,140

Donations outside of
New Albany......................$42,770 (64%)

Donations from
New Albany......................$24,370 (36%)


Source: 2007 England Financial Report

You do the math taxpayers!

Freedom of Speech would like to say:
It is clear that based on the fact that only $10,870 came from city residents. Candidate England does not have the support of the residents of the City of New Albany.

Ask yourself this voters:

Why is the higher amount of donations coming from donors outside the City of New Albany?

Are the donors outside of New Albany making the decisions to elect our next Mayor?

What do the donors outside the city hope to gain?

a) political favors
b) contracts
c) attorney fees
d) development
e) consultant fees
f) all the above

You got it ~ all the above!

"With those who wish to think amiss of me, I have learned to be perfectly indifferent; but where I know a mind to be ingenuous, and to need only truth to set it to rights, I cannot be as passive."
~Thomas Jefferson