Tuesday, November 13, 2007


What in the world is going on?

Garner states: Garbage collection in New Albany would cost an extra $1 per month for most customers if the City Council approves this proposal.

Source: Tribune Nov. 10, 2007

Did anyone else catch the words "most customers?"


* selective enforcement and
* selective billing

First, why should the current city council approve this sanitation fee increase now? Council should wait until after January 1st and let the new 2008 City Council review and make the decision to raise our fees if necessary.

Why is Jimmy pushing for this fee increase right now?

Is Jimmy pushing for this increase so that Mayor-Elect England won't be blamed for the fee increase?

Is Mayor Garner involved with this private sanitation company? Why have the investors of this private sanitation company never been made public? What do they have to hide?

Or should we say: What does Jimmy have to hide?

Why raise sanitation fees for this company when our City Street Dept. employees have to pick up some of the garbage?

The facts are that the costs for our "street department" have increased after the sanitation department was privatized. Our street department has to use their staff and equipment for garbage work and our streets and allys remain in bad shape.

Freedom of Speech feels sorry for our street department employees as they are overworked, underpaid and under ~ appreciated by this administration.

Plus they get all "the blame" for our dirty streets!

2nd ~ the newspaper listed an increase on charges from $5.00 to $15.00 for large items to be picked up. Does this include some elected officials who get their items picked up for free? Will the street department continue to move certain city and county employee's household goods for free?

You think it's bad now...wait until England gets back in!

3rd ~ garbage containers must be out by 6 am and be removed by 5:00 on the next day. A violation of this rule would result in a fine of $25 and $100.00 per violation, per day.

Source: Tribune Nov. 10, 2007

Freedom of Speech would like to know: Who wrote this Ordinance? Anthony B. Toran?

Maybe the mayor needs to stop throwing money away and stop funding developers and development. How about spending money on adequate fire, police, garbage collection, sewer, and road maintance.things that actually make life in this city worth living, you know. Things the city exist to provide, instead of funding every other thing under the sun. If all of those things were already fully funded, then maybe we would not complain about all the other "boondoggles" quite so much, but until this city gets it's funding priorities sorted first, We say cut this mayor and the new mayor off at the knees and not give them another dollar to waste.

THEN maybe the city can start trying to allocate funds for other uses, that is how we and most other citizens deal with our budgets.

Freedom of Speech would LOVE to tear into the city's budget on a line-item by line item basis, I'd be willing to bet we could shave at least a few million dollars out of it while increasing essential city services at the same time.

Freedom of Speech would like to ask Councilman Blevins: would you like a bunch of new customers for your sanitation business?

Good grief...What will Jimmy come up with next?

One final thought:

Attention Readers!! Donations of boxes suitable for moving urgently needed. Please deliver to Garner & Toran Inc.

Only 49 days to go!

What will the new year be for us in New Albany? Will it be better or worse?

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Congratulations to Valla Ann Bolovschak, elected this past tuesday in a "landslide victory" against her opponent for Vice President of the Indiana Bed and Breakfast Association.

The Indiana Bed and Breakfast Association is a professional organization celebrating well over 50 years of providing excellence in hospitality, cleanliness, and safety. The Indiana Bed and Breakfast Association represents 100's of members through out Indiana.

They are dedicated to providing a memorable experience in special overnight accommodations and attentive service for the guest from the Dunes in Northern Indiana to the Southern Indiana border, and the banks of the Ohio River. You will never be disappointed when you stay at one of Indiana's premier Bed and Breakfast Inns.

We also recommend to all of our readers that you book your special events such as weddings, receptions, anniversary parties, retreats, corporate events, meetings, seminars and other private gatherings at Valla Ann's elegant Admiral Bicknell Inn of New Albany.

Our entire Freedom of Speech staff again congratulates Valla Ann on her election to the position of Vice President of the Indiana Bed and Breakfast Association.

Indiana voters were "smart enough" to recognize her abilities in leading their organization.

Freedom of Speech also feels that New Albany is fortunate to have a hard working community minded citizens like Valla Ann in our city.

Keep up your good work, Valla Ann.

Friday, November 09, 2007


President George W. Bush will be arriving next Tuesday in New Albany.

Do you have your tickets yet?

Is this a "fund raiser" for Mike Sodrell?

Freedom of Speech would like to thank Republican Chairman Matthews for the heads up on the presidents visit.

Come greet GW at ~ the historic Grand Theater.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Former County Councilman, Don McCartin is in our thoughts and prayers as he faces open heart surgery this friday at Norton Hospital.

Freedom of Speech sends "Don" our best wishes for a swift and speedy recover.

The world needs people
like you with the outlook
on life that you have.

Monday, November 05, 2007


Why would we vote for Brenda Scharlow for City Council to represent the 3rd District? Maybe we should first review the Scharlows' track record and then let the voters decide:

According to public record, on December 12, 2003 the Scharlows transferred their property at 601 West Main Street from "tumblebus" to "Larry and Brenda Scharlow". On this same date, they then sold this property to "The River LLC" in Clearwater, Florida. Shortly thereafter, New Albany's first Adult Bookstore opened at this location, directly across the street from Main Street United Methodist Church. The legal battle against the Adult Bookstore location has cost the City of New Albany over $500,000 and the dispute is still not settled.

When they moved their Tumblebus to a new location, they left the parking lot gravel until the city forced them to pave it. They not only paved the lot, they also paved the entire sidewalk. Now, there is no sidewalk. School children on field trips walk around the Scharlow's cars and Tumblebuses and into the street.

The board of zoning required the Scharlows to re-install the sidewalk. Three years later, NO ACTION and children are still dodging Main Street traffic on their way from Scribner House to Mansion Row.

For the past four to five years, the Scharlows have been working on a 16 unit condominium project. Located right behind Mansion Row and blocking the views of historic homes. The Scharlows obtained this building permit within weeks of the City's action to place the property in the National Register of Historic Places.

As a result they are not subject to any of the rules of the adjoining historic properties.

While Bret Scharlow apparently owns one of these buildings and sat on the Historic Review Board, the Scharlows do not feel compelled to follow any of the historic guidelines.

Isn't it ironic that he could enforce strict guidelines on Main Street property owners while he and his family do the exact opposite to their property?

Somehow, they have made it through a lot of approvals for a project that has always been controversial. Approved as 3 stories, some are now 4 stories. They advertise it is a 16 unit condo complex, but have convinced the city to treat each building as a single family residence.

One has to wonder if they paid the proper hook up fee's for sewers?

To add insult to injury, they have now placed their real estate sign over the City's sign. The sign that welcomes visitors to New Albany's Riverfront has suddenly become just a backdrop for a Scharlow billboard.

"This is yet another self serving act in a list of many."

Is it true the Scharlow's have file bankruptcy in the past?

Maybe the Scharlow's should take the advice of a famous democrat and "Ask not what you can do TO New Albany, ask what you can do FOR New Albany".

It's now up to you the voters of the 3rd District to make an "informed" decision.

Freedom of Speech would like to know is this the direction we want to take New Albany in?

* Where certain people have advantages over other people.

* Where some people play by the rules and others don't.

Let the Scharlow record speak for itself!


After much thought,discussion, and looking at the facts, Freedom of Speech feels the following candidate is best suited to address the taxpayers needs of the 3rd District. We also feel that this candidate is dedicated to return accountability back to city government.

Freedom of Speech PROUDLY endorse the following candidate and hope that you are readers will vote to:

Re-Elect Councilman Steve Price
"Another voice for taxpayers"


* Fought against sewer rate increase-
(8% increase vs. proposed 26%)

* Fought against property tax back up
for Scribner Place

* Fought against sanitation privatization

* Fought for fiscal accountability to taxpayers
of the 3rd District

* Spearheaded cleanliness ordinance

* Voted for Code Enforcement Officer at no
extra cost to the taxpayers

* Lobby for route system in Street Department

* Police Officers contribute gas money

What do you want 3rd District?
Results or Political Promises?

Vote to Re-Elect
Democrat Councilman
Steve Price

footnote: Freedom of Speech
will not lower our standards
to reply, or to defend any fact
or opinion!

Sunday, November 04, 2007


When Nov. 6 comes around, where will you be? Will you vote? I mean, it isn't as though voting for a city council member, clerk or mayor really matters right?


Sure, they affect your sewer bill, water bill, streets, your garbage pick-up and other day-to-day things, but in all reality, your VOTE does matter.

Most of the time, they are going to do what benefits them and, we hope, the rest of us. The people that benefit from elected officials are the ones who donate the most and are the most influential.

Case in point...

England's Financial Report for 2007

Donations from outside of New Albany


Henderson, Ky ......................$500.00
Lanesville, In.........................$200.00
Lexington, Ky........................$200.00
Fairland, In...........................$1000.00
Charlestown, In.....................$350.00
Tell City, In...........................$500.00
Sarasota, FL..........................$200.00
Sellersburg, In......................$3640.00
Floyd Knobs, In.....................$3880.00
Jeffersonville, In...................$2650.00
Elizabeth, In.........................$3800.00
Georgetown, In.....................$1450.00
Louisville, In........................$4450.00
Hanover, In..........................$100.00
Clarksville, In.......................$3550.00
Bradenton Fl........................$200.00
Indianapolis, In...................$13,850.00
Carmel, In...........................$150.00
Borden, In...........................$100.00
Evansville, In......................$500.00
Pekin, In.............................$150.00
Prospect, Ky.......................$250.00
Zionville, In........................$750.00
Berkosda, Md.....................$350.00

Total Donations received
for England......................$67,140

Donations outside of
New Albany......................$42,770 (64%)

Donations from
New Albany......................$24,370 (36%)


Source: 2007 England Financial Report

You do the math taxpayers!

Freedom of Speech would like to say:
It is clear that based on the fact that only $10,870 came from city residents. Candidate England does not have the support of the residents of the City of New Albany.

Ask yourself this voters:

Why is the higher amount of donations coming from donors outside the City of New Albany?

Are the donors outside of New Albany making the decisions to elect our next Mayor?

What do the donors outside the city hope to gain?

a) political favors
b) contracts
c) attorney fees
d) development
e) consultant fees
f) all the above

You got it ~ all the above!

"With those who wish to think amiss of me, I have learned to be perfectly indifferent; but where I know a mind to be ingenuous, and to need only truth to set it to rights, I cannot be as passive."
~Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, November 01, 2007


November 5, 1998

To the Editor,

The New Albany Tribune needs to check facts before they write their slanted comments. In 1987, under Mayor Charles Hunter, the present city engineer, the sewer system was controlled by the New Albany Board of Works. The Board of Works at that time was comprised of the present Mayor England, the present City Attorney and a third person who works for the present administration.

Records prove that for some reason, the EPA made an inspection in 1987 of New Albany's Sewer System, during this Board of Works tenure, and found many deficiencies that brought about the EPA changes that the city faces today,

I found out about the EPA charges later in 1988 in a letter from the EPA. Mayor England told me THAT HE FORGOT that he was one of three who was ACCOUNTABLE for this poor inspection in 1987. I guess they also just forgot to tell me about the poor inspection and left it up to the EPA to inform us. Mayor England's experience with the

Hunter administration was part of his successfull 1991 platform.

We immediately went to work on various deficiencies pointed out by the EPA, expenditures over the next 3 1/2 years on the sewer system, for engineers, for attorney fees and trips to the EPA office at Chicago, will show that our whole administration was working to cure the problems.

Negotiations with the EPA continued through all of this time, but to me they wanted too much commitment compared to other cities they had settled with. We could have signed that same EPA agreement that Mayor England signed, but it required the City of New Albany to spend too much money in too short of a time. It would not have been right to sign an agreement,knowing that they were expecting too much in too short of time.

Speaking for all past mayors, including the Democratic County Chairman Former Mayor Nash, we would be willing to spend monies for any justified repairs or improvements that the public and City Council would approve.

The public nor the city council would have provided extensive monies for these repairs until the EPA became involved.

I know first hand, because I put on money needed, $4.00 per month, per household garbage charge and lost the 1983 Election by 150 votes, when my opponent promised to take it off, but he didn't.

Former New Albany Mayor,
Bob Real