Tuesday, April 03, 2007


The Board of Works And Safety of The Civil City of New Albany, Indiana, held it's regular meeting today April 3, 2007.

Mayor Garner today played his last and final political race card.

What do we mean?

He got his Board of Works political croonies to give him authority to hire New Albany "FIREMAN" and not follow the law on the New Albany Code Book.

This is the law Mr. Mayor:

32.80 Title
32.81 Agility test
32.82 Written test

Mayor Garner as a City Councilman voted "YES" on these laws on 6/02/03.

These laws are in the New Albany Code Book. (check them out on the internet)

Doesn't everyone have to follow the law?

For example: If the New Albany Code Book of laws states you can go 30 miles per hour down Spring Street, then can Mayor Garner and his Board of Works croonies say that you can NOW go 60 miles per hour down Spring Street?

It is sad that Mayor Garner is trying to make this a race issue!

We the citizens of New Albany respect each and every citizen. We have always worked together in the past and we plan to continue working together in the future.

Does Jimmy think it is legal to not follow the laws in the New Albany Code Book?

Is this politically motivated?

And you Sir, are not above the law as Mayor!

Again we ask...Is this the final nail in Jimmy's political career?

We no longer have rule of law and any
notion of equality before the law is lost
when the Mayor thinks he is above the law.
- Anonymous