Thursday, July 13, 2006


Lately there has been a lot of talk about forums and meetings. There is a forum scheduled for August 9 and talk of a meeting of Study Circles. This is all well and good but are we having too many meetings?

We need to put our knowlege to work and do something! It gets to the point where we can have meetings all day long and still not accomplish anything. We could end up like "professional students" and attend college for 10 years and never earn a degree.

Just this week one of our neighborhood watch groups enabled the police department to make several arrests for drugs. Becky Roy has just started the West End Neighborhood Watch Group and if we are not mistaken has had only 2 meetings. This, friends is progress.

Freedom of Speech would like to thank all of our readers and supporters for all of the great emails and letters of support and thanks. Unfortunatly time does not permit us to respond to every one but your support is greatly appreciated.

We also want to thank Valla Ann Bolovschak for her outstanding article entitled "Little Money Tree". We had an out pouring of emails supporting her position.

Great job Valla Ann!