Wednesday, October 29, 2014


It's Election Day next Tuesday. It's time to vote for the person instead of  your Political Party. Each one of you reading this needs to look at who is the best qualified candidate for the job.

For example: Just because you are a registered Democrat or a Republican doesn't mean you have to vote for your political Party. 

Do your homework before you go to the Polls.

Who we encourage you to support, after many months of researching all the candidates, based on their past or current voting recorders, and past performance.

Print this LIST off before you go Vote next Tuesday:

Congressman - Todd Young  (R)

State Senator - Ron Grooms (R)

State Representative - Ed Clere (R)

Floyd County Sheriff - Frank Loop (R)

Superior Court Judge No.1 - Susan Orth (D)

Superior Court Judge No. 2 - Maria Granger (D)

County Auditor - Scott Clark (R)

County Commissioner District 1 - Mark Seabrook (R)

County Council District 1 - Tom Pickett (D)

County Council District 2 - Barbara Sillings (D)

County Council District 3 - Lana Abersold (R)

County Council District 4 - John Shellenberger (R)

Floyd County Township- Steve Burk (R)

New Albany Township Board (Pick three) -

Carol Shope (D)
Bob Horning (R)

Floyd County School Board -

Lee Ann Wiseheart - At Large

Danita Burks - At Large

Donna Corbett - District 1

Sue Williams - District 2

If your name does not appear on this list it's because we here at Freedom Of Speech "DO NOT feel, support or believe you are qualified and do not have the best interest" of the Taxpayers of Floyd County.

Remember folks, it's time to VOTE for the best candidate,  the most qualified candidate, and NOT the party....

Freedom Of Speech Staff

Saturday, October 25, 2014


The  experience Floyd County deserves:

2004 - Chief
1998 - Interim Chief
1993 - SWAT Commander
1991 - Lieutenant
1989 - Detective
1988 -  Sergeant
1982 - Patrolman
1978 - EMT

For the past 32 years, Frank Loop has served on the Floyd County Sheriffs Department and has obtained thousands of hours of training from law enforcement agencies around the country. 

Ask yourself one question before you Vote: Do you want a sheriff with over thirty years of experience or do you want a Democrat Rent A Cop? 

Because Experience matters....

Freedom Of Speech ask you our supporters to VOTE for Frank Loop for Sheriff.