Tuesday, February 26, 2013


At this quadrennial reorganizing meeting of the Floyd Democrats, they will choose a new Central Committee. Precinct committee-persons and vices will vote to elect new party officers for the next four years.

Date: Saturday, March 2. 2013
Where: Knights Of Columbus
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Our money is on Adam Dickey for Democrat Chairman.

Friday, February 22, 2013


What does the Pope and Carl Malysz have in common?

Their both looking for  a job!

Monday, February 18, 2013


If you are against backing a $19.6 Bond for an aquatic center, baseball park and soccer field with our Property Taxes.  We here at Freedom of Speech ask you "the taxpayers to contact" the following council members and voice your opinion:

At-Large - Shirley Baird @ (812)  725-7527 or email her @ sbaird@cityofnewalbany.com
At-Large - John Gonder @ (812) 944-3121 or email him @ jgonder@cityofnewalbany.com or contact his cell (502) 500-3333
At-Large - Kevin Zurschmiede @ (812) 945-7827 or email him @ kzurschmiede@cityofnewalbany.com
1st District - Dan Coffey @  (812) 949-1262 or his cell (502) 797-8347
2nd District - Robert Caesar  @  (812) or email him @ rcaesar@cityofnewalbany.com 
3rd District - Greg Phipps (812) 949-8317 or email him @ gphipps@cityofnewalbany.com
4th District - Pat McLaughlin (812) 949-9140 or email him @ pmclaughlin@cityofnewalbany.com  or contact his cell @ (812) 987-5218
5th District - Diane Benedetti @ (812) 945-6240 or email her @dbenedetti@cityofnewalbany.com
6th District - Scott Blair @ (812) 697-0128 or email him @ sblair@cityofnewalbany.com

You have a RIGHT as a taxpayer to know your property taxes WILL GO UP if they pass this Bond.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Boys and girls at a Massachusetts elementary school have been banned from bringing Valentine's Day candy or cards over cultural equality issues and federal guidelines regulating candy.

David DeRuosi, superintendent defended the principal's decision - explaining that with new residents and new mandates "certain traditions we have to modify and adapt." No candy, no cards, no cupcakes, the superintendent said.

Freedom Of Speech would like to say:

It's disgusting that all this political correctness is basically not allowing children to be children. To be an American child today is to be bound and gagged by the culture of the immigrant. American traditions, the very things that drew these people to our country, are cast aside in order to not to offend. If being American is so offensive to the immigrant, let the immigrant go back to where they came from.


If they don't speak English, maybe they should! After all they are in the United States of America. When we travel to foreign countries, we don't expect them to change their language just for us.

Adults need to stay out of child's play.